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"That is not how you eat a KitKat." Tsukishima deadpanned and stared at the t.v.

"Well its the Kardashians what do you expect?" Yama giggled and turned around to face Kei, "Who would want to eat oreos that youve repeatedly touched? Wouldnt that spoil the milk if you dip it after?" Kageyama stared questioningly at Hinata as the orange-haired boy just shrugged. "Just use hot milk." Shouyo replied, Kageyama stared at him with a horrified expression.

"Why are we even watching them? Cant we just watch something useful?"

"Oh! Lets watch documentaries," everyone stopped as they stared at Yamaguchi, the latter blushed and laughed nervously, "Well Ive watched this one documentary and it was about Elmo's Puppeteer and it was quite interesting." the three still stared at Yama, with now Kageyama raising a brow.


Tsukishima broke the silence. Grabbing the remote, the blonde sat down beside Yama making the other stiffen but relax after. While the taller was continuing to flip channels back and forth Hinata got bored as he snuggled more to Kageyama, Shoji and Karei were currently practicing, Karei with his pirouettes and Shoji was still trying to balance walking in skates.

Tsukishima scoffed as continues random ads started popping.

'Buy your own Build-A-Kid!'

'Try the 22 Day Vegan-solves-all-you-problems challenge, today!'

'I just cut this boat in half! But I can fix it with my Flex Tape!'

"Wait! Look its you two!" Hinata got up from Kageyama's lap and pointed at the screen, it was indeed the two step-brothers currently at an interview. Yamaguchi blushed once he saw Kei in a suit, he looked too sharp for his own good.

"No I look weird there." Kageyama complained, the blonde was going to reply with a snarky remark but held his tongue- somehow- but Kei must admit, it felt weird sewing your own self at a T.V, to be frank he just judges himself. But if it pisses Kageyama off? He will do anything to annoy the other.

After a few talks and persuasion the Tsukishima-Kageyama brothers were convinced to just watch themselves on T.V because Yamaguchi and Hinata were roo cute for their own good.

"Look Tsukki a question for you!" Yama whisper yelled at the blondes side making Kei smile a bit fondly. The camera rolled to Tsukishima, Kageyama was just there at the side probably looking for free milk stands. The four males watched the television, both with malicious intent and with annoyance.

(if it is in italics the scene is from the t.v/show and if its like dis its from.the present scene)

'Ne Tsukishima-kun! Its known that youve finally came out about this lover of yours!' the hostess gushed making a few girly squeals and wails audible, both of the brothers just forced a smile but they honedtly felt irritated by the pitched voices. Kei cleared his throat to answer, 'Yes, I have a lover.' he answered curtly and politely. The hostess squealed like the fangirling 50 year old that she is.

Kei scowled, "One of the girls nearly hauled me over." the blonde grimaced as Tada giggled at his childish boyfriend.

'My, my! Do tell us more!' the lady insisted, Tsukishima smiled apologetically, 'I do wish to tell the whole world on how amazing they are, but I would like to keep it private for now. But all I can say is they have made me smile and feel a certain way I havent usually felt before.' Tsukishima finished. Somehow the hostess lookes bummed but she let it slide anyway.

Yamaguchi blushed a crimson shade of red and felt even more embarrassed once Hinata began to tease him, of course he also teased Tsukishima. "Oi boke! Hinata boke! Stop it youre squishing me!" Yama decided to ignore the two and cuddled more closer to Kei, now their hands are intertwined with the older blonde rubbing sly circles at his palm.

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