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The two glared at eachother, Tsukishima glaced at the girl though mainly focused on Yamaguchi, the greenette pouted- seemingly willing to let go, but he stil clung to the tall male. The girl didnt want to give up as well as she clung to Tsukishima tighter.

"Let go or I will call my father!!" she yelled in her high pitched voice, Tadashi faltered a bit as he felt a tad bit insecure. Seeing Tada's reaction the girl smirked victoriously, "Now let go. We have somewhere we be." she pulled Tsukishima by her side making Tadashi stagger.

Kei felt himself angry. It hurts him seeing Yamaguchi being thrown down like that, seeing him sad, seeing his eyes start to tear up. The girl settled herfmself and clung onto Tsukishima, the male clicked his tongue and pulled away from her, she stared dumbly at Kei as the blonde walked towards Tadashi, grabbing his handkerchief and softly pressed it againsts Yama's wet freckled cheeks.

"You can go alone Yuki-chan. Im sure it wouldnt be hard for you to find someone else to escort you, and if you havent got the hint yet, Im no interested." Tsukishima gave a curt bow and turned to the whimpering Tadashi, she stared at the two angrily, huffing her cheeks as she ran away.

"Im sorry you had to be involved in this." Tsukishima pressed a light feathery kiss at Yamaguchi's cheek as the greenette continued to pout. "Stop that."


"Yamaguchi stop being like that." Tsukishima sighed as he saw Yama pout more this time a few tears at the corner of his eyes. "Yamaguchi-"

"I thought youre supposed to be my boyfriend! Youre not supposed to ignore me." Tadashi wiped a small tear with the back of his hand, he didnt really know how he felt inside. But he felt a bit sad that Kei wasnt a sweet guy like he saw in the movies. Honestly he liked Kei for who he is and wouldnt change him for anything, but he kind of wished Kei to be less cold.

"I couldnt do anything Yamaguchi, I tried to approach you but she got in the way." Kei replied calmly and wiped Tada's tear stained cheek. Yamaguchi stood there feeling dumb, he was embarrassed by his own sudden outburst as Kei somehow continued to pamper him and ignore his antics. "Im sorry Yamaguchi." Kei kissed the smaller males cheek. "Can we go home together now?" Yamaguchi stuck his bottom lip trying his best to persude Tsukishima. The blondes eyes went disappointed as he sighed, "Im sorry but I cant this time. I have to finish the extra curricular activities my dad put us up with." Tsukishima sighed sadly when he saw Tadashi's little antenna drop.

He felt extra shittier that day.

Kei opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Yama stood up, "Its oky Tsukki," Tada gave a forced smile, one that didnt reach his eyes. "You have to finish your school work. See you tomorrow."  Yamaguchi gave a slight bow and went to the schools entrance. Kei sat there, honestly surprised and he felt quite shitty.

But dang he knew for sure he loves it when Tadashi is angry.

"Bastard you shouldve left with him! Treat him to those floppy fries he likes!" Kuroo slapped his juniors back as Kei rubbed the stinging spot while fixing his glasses.

"Ha? So thats what you do to Kenma-san? Then what? He gives you head?" Kei sneered as Kuroo threw a pillow at him.

The males were currently at the music clubroom while they had vacant time, although much to our disappointed, Tsukishima didnt run after Tadashi, but rather, he contemplated in the club while drinking caprisun.

"Why cant you just be a sweet boyfriend to Yama-chan?" Bo suggested as he placed the drumsticks while taking his sweaty uniform off. "Says you. What are you going to do with A~kaa~shi." Kuroo teased while dodging the canned soda Bokuto threw at him. "You too Tobio!" Kuroo yelled as Kageyama entered the room with Jerseys.

"You guys sound like one of those douche straight boys!" Oikawa scoffed and sipped on his coffee. Kuroo rolled his eyes and sat on one bean bag. "So how are you going to make it up to him then?" he turned to Tsukishima while the lean male stared into oblivion while fidgeting with the guitar string.

"I dont know."

He stated bluntly as the silence enhanced the room. "Yamaguch-kun is too sweet for you." Kageyama stated and recieved a scoff from Kei and a cheer from Tooru, "You tell 'em Tobio-chan!" The small group continued with their hangout and played a few music here and there, as Kei still felt something tighten in his chest.


The next morning Tadashi woke up, thanking the gods that it was a saturday. He stretched and yawned, he stared at his bedside and frowned when he saw his phone.

He felt sad when he remembered he hasnt hesrd from Tsukishima afterwards. He didnt text him because he felt as if he was clingy, he didnt really want that. He sighed in defeat as he hopped out of bed and prepared to get ready for a busy day at the bakery. 

"Whats wrong honey?" Umi looked up at her son as Tada stood up straightly, "Oh nothing mom..sorry." Tadashi giggled nervously and scratched his neck. Tadashi wore his little apron and tied his hair into a little ponytail and got ready for work.

It was a nomal day, a few new people and their usual customers went by, Tadashi did his absolute best to ignore his phone and continued to busy himself with piled work. He was currently wiping a few tables.

Then the door opened with the usual bell chime.

Yamaguchi stood up and smiled his sweet smile he gave to the each and every customer. "Welcome to-" his face dropped when he saw a familiar face.

Someone he never really wanted or dreamed to see.

That being the oh so petite Yuki-chan



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