Locker Room Steam at the 118

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Buck and Eddie are getting back to the 118 from an exciting call. The adrenaline is coursing through their veins. Buck is smiling uncontrollably. 

"Man, was that a great save or what?" Buck beams. Eddie smirks. "Yeah, we did pretty good back there. This the end of your shift, too?" Buck checks the clock. "Yep, I have tomorrow off. How about you?" he asks. 

Eddie nods, saying, "Chris is looking forward to getting picked up from school tomorrow. It's my first open day in weeks." They walk to the locker room together. Buck sits on the bench, catching his breath. Eddie grabs clean clothes out of his locker. 

They make small talk, but Buck slowly tunes out a story about Chris and some science project as Eddie changes his shirt. Buck spaces out watching the muscles in his upper back flex, his biceps curling. 

He doesn't even feel his lips part when, suddenly, he's snapped back into reality to the sound of Eddie's voice. "Buck?" He looks concerned. "You ok?" "Yeah, Eds, I'm fine." Buck isn't just fine. He's great. 

This isn't the first time that he's caught himself staring at Eddie. In the gym, on a call, out with him and Chris. Buck never thought he was attracted to men, until Eddie. Since they met, Buck questioned his sexuality, even going as far as sleeping with other guys. It was pleasurable, but Buck discovered nobody made him hard like Eddie.

Back in the present, Eddie still holds Buck's gaze. "Were you, uh, staring at my arms?" Eddie asks with a nervous half-smile. Buck freezes. "Eddie, um, uh-" 

He's trying to come up with a response when it registers that Eddie is still shirtless. Chest bare, Eddie seems to gain some confidence, slowly taking steps toward Buck. "Were you looking at my bare back? The way my arms flex as I strip my shirt?" 

Buck is speechless at this new response and closing gap between them. "You're not the only one, Buck. I've snuck some glances, too. At your broad shoulders, the way your biceps grow at the gym. I think of you at night sometimes. Do you think of me, too?" 

Buck is heaving as Eddie leans down to lock eyes, whispering these dirty thoughts. All Buck can do is whimper a "yes" and be glad that most of the others had gone home for the night from their shifts. 

Eddie runs with this hushed arousal, continuing on with his sinful words. "Do you want me like I want you? Do you have fantasies of us, nothing between our bare bodies, moaning as our hands roam everywhere, desperate for more touch?" Buck feels himself getting hard, a gasp escaping his lips as he stands up. Eddie is close enough to kiss now. There's a long pause and neither of them seem to breathe. 

"Do you want this?" Eddie asks, turned on by Buck's impressive stature, and it's the sexiest thing Buck's ever heard. "Yes" is his only response before Eddie crashes his lips into his. Bucks hands find Eddie's waist while eager fingers grasp his neck. 

Neither one wants to break the tangle of lips and rough hands sliding up and down muscular sides. Eddie takes a breath and pushes Buck to the wall with a smirk before continuing the heat. This time he moves his thigh in between Buck's open legs, moving on to kiss and kick and nip the neck he was just grabbing for dear life. 

Buck lets out a wrecked moan, thrusting his hips forward. He doesn't need to look down to know that both dicks are hard and ready. Eddie feels powerful, in control, and hornier than ever. They continue with jerking hips and needy sounds until Eddie feels like he's about to burst. "My place. Now," he orders. 

Buck doesn't hesitate to follow Eddie to his truck. The two had never changed faster, throwing on clothes at lightning speed. They can't seem to clamor into the car seats fast enough, and Eddie speeds out onto the road. Buck is throbbing, biting his lip. Eddie notices and teases Buck by palming him through his pants. 

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