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Wait! What?
What's happening?
What's going on?

It hAs BeGin

What do you mean?
What did you do?

I AM ppowerless
i am not oOF konseKwens

What do yo-?


... Oh!
I... see...

It has beGuN

The story is finally being written.
After all this time...

Write and erase

writing and... eerasing

Written... Erased...

It's finAlly hereeeeee

A story of legend,
Unexpected adventure,
Powerful growth,
And unending Battle.

a Story of pAin
The futility of an unCheanging pasT

The frustRation of liMitations

And the maskS that hIde the trUth

A story of love and hate.

a story of God, gods, and man

A story of the Supernatural and the ordinary.

A story of heroeS and VillainS

a stOry beyOnd tiMe and SpacE and dImensionS

It has begun

The pages are being filled

The cogs are not meant to turn Ar turNing

And WE are here to witness the unfolding

Let uS BeGin!

Team Prime - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now