The next step

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Within a dark, undisclosed room within U.A, a multitude of staff sat in front of the many screens overlooking the different urban arenas. However, towards the back of the room, six Pro Heroes stood with varying costumes and unique attributes.

Cemontoss: Thank you all for taking the time out of your day for this exam. I know it's unorthodox, but after the original exam and what one of the examinees did, everyone would be throwing themselves at the zero pointer.

Ectoplasm: So it's your job to bring out the heroics in everyone. Now, the exam starts in ten minutes. So you should all head to the designated arenas.

With nods of affirmation, five of the six heroes quickly left the room. However, the last one stood in place. A man in rigid tan armour from head to toe, and wearing heat resident gloves.

???: *chuckles* Can't believe I'm gonna throw hands with a bunch a kids.

Aizawa: Move it, Sunbreaker. Somehow your voice is going to make my injuries worse. Something only Mic has achieved.

Sunbreaker: Yeah yeah, I'm going. But I'm gonna get him to sing you a little song after all this is over!

With a laugh, the armoured hero left the room. The highly bandaged Eraserhead turned back to the screens.

Aizawa: I hate him.

Ectoplasm: You hate everyone. Just some over others.

The cloning hero then turns to the principal of the school.

Ectoplasm: A lot more people than I expected to show.

Nezu: Goes to show the enthusiasm of this generation. But that isn't all that goes through here. The enthusiasm mostly stems from the prior knowledge of rescue points. A previously withheld system in this exam.

Cementoss: They'll be exploiting that. You know this don't you?

Nezu: Yes. Which is why we have the inclusion of the pretend Villains. A true, trained threat. Not one that you can easily stand up against by yourself, nor is it something that can be escaped from without skill and luck.

Ectoplasm: And with threats like these, it would be hard to save anyone if the victim has already been taken out.

Cementoss: So this is why only the top four can pass? To show who's actually capable to save those in trouble despite the situation?

Nezu: It is our job after all. The passing grade is narrowed, and the difficulty is ramped up. But for those that stand on top... they truly have what it takes to be a Hero.


The sun lit up the concrete below as you stepped off the bus that took you to your designated arena. Stretching your arms a bit, you look up to the towering gate separating you from the practical exam. The now glowing streak in your hair shone bright in the sun, alongside your light grey jacket, black tracksuit pants, and (F/C) sneakers.

(Y/N): *quietly* Only the top four can pass... You've come so far now. You can do this.

You lightly start jumping up and down, both pep talking yourself and slowly charging your Quirk. The (F/C) glow of your quirk shimmered from your shoes up your chest with each jump... until you heard rattling beside you. Spinning to your left, you see a girl barely containing her laughter as she jumps up and down with you.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now