The Knight and the... Lizard?

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Tetsutetsu: DAAAMMIIIT!!!

The yells of the defeated 1B student echoed throughout the U.A cafeteria as you carried your food tray along with other members of your class. Them being Sato, Sero, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Kaminari, And Mineta.

Sero: He's still going on about that, huh?

(Y/N): His team did carry the most points for a majority of the last game, setting aside the ten million. So I heard at least.

Kaminari: Sounds to me like Kirishima will never calm dow-

Kirishima: Stop with that dumb joke man! Me and Tetsutetsu are nothing alike!

Tokoyami: Actually, on a spiritual level, the difference is uncanny. From what little I heard, he goes on about... manliness.

Sato: It's basically copy and paste.

Kirishima: Fine, we've got some similarities. But he's out of my hair now! I actually made it through to the finals!

(Y/N): *shudders* Suddenly feels like situational irony is in the air.

Across U.A's cafeteria, Tetsutetsu slammed his head on a cafeteria table, shaking all the food trays on it. Sitting beside him, Sakamoto tried her best cheering her classmate up.

Tetsutetsu: We had in the bag...

Sakamoto: Uh... if it helps, my little trick will probably get you some attention from the pros? ...Maybe?

Tetsutetsu: *sobbing* Of course it doesn't help!

Sakamoto: ...Good thing I didn't try becoming a therapist then, huh?

She awkwardly chuckled at her own joke, trying to help cheer Tetsutetsu up.

???: Hey!

Both students look up to see two of their classmates approaching.

Kendo: We heard your team did incredible in the cavalry battle!

Sakamoto: If we did incredible, we wouldn't have two mopey people likely bawling their eyes out.

Kendo: Still, at least SOMEONE didn't insist on challenging one of the most threatening teams...

She then turned around and glared at the recommended student that joined her.

Kendo: ...Tokage.

Tokage: It was a well thought out plan, thank you very much!

Kendo: You saw two in your recommendation exam, one on TV, and made a guess on the last one! What plan!?

Tokage: Uh... I had a rough idea on their Quirks? Y'know, tactical advantage?

Kendo: Right... Anyway, Sakamoto. That friend of yours... Chikara? He's usually nearby wherever you are. Where is he exactly?

Sakamoto: He's not taking this whole... disappearance of our points too well. He's usually pretty cold, but...

She looks over towards the corner of the cafeteria. Leaning against the wall with an apple in hand, Chikara stood isolated from everyone.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now