Magic Spear

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On the day of the U.A sports festival, people across Japan make the time to watch this annual event. The streets of many cities quiet down as people ranging from civilians to Pro Heroes dedicate their attention to the next generation of Heroes. The perfect opportunity for less than reputable people to go from point A to B without issue.

At the top floor of an apartment complex, the doors of an elevator slid open to reveal the fancy penthouse that overlooked one of Japan's coastal cities: Farbanti City. Stepping out of the elevator, a man in a maroon camo coat, short black hair and mutton chop side burns looked over his shoulder and glared with his yellow eyes.

???: Welcome to your new home fellas-

But he got quickly interrupted, as the white haired man Angelo pushed him aside and spun around in awe as he admired the penthouse.

Angelo: Now this is what I call an evil lair!

???: Evil? *dejected* It's not that bad...

???2: He's just messing around.

Following Angelo, stepped out Kusatta. The wire infested girl watched beside the coated man as Angelo ran around and admired everything about the penthouse.

Kusatta: Besides... he's the most childish out of everyone here, making him your only problem.

Freezing in place, Angelo twists his head towards Kusatta.

Angelo: Hey, can you cut me some slack here? We've been in hiding for weeks, and you expect me not to get all excited about a decent place for once?

???3: He's right you know.

The last person to exit the elevator was the masked and thorny Villain: Discord.

Discord: We finally got the opportunity to lay low in a safe spot at last. Let us relish the moment, even for a little while.

Kusatta: *scoffs* Fine.

The red haired girl quickly followed after Angelos, who was already back to exploring.

Discord: That being said though...

The skull mask turned towards the red camo figure, menacingly.

Discord: Pasternak. As appreciative as this is, you create another lead to our discovery. We've dealt with traitors and loose ends before, even those hidden in Tartarus. Your army won't save you if you let us down.

Pasternak: *raising arms defensively* Hey, hey, my lips are sealed. But should you really go threatening the guy letting you live here rent free?

Discord: *chuckle* Fair enough.

Clapping his hands together, Pasternak calls out to the two other Villains, who both looked like they were about to battle to the death.

Pasternak: Soldiers!

Angelo and Kusatta turned to Pasternak in confusion.

Pasternak: Oh... shit, force of habit. Uhh... Roommates? Anyway, this penthouse still has three spare rooms. They're all yours respectively. And boss, I bought out the floor beneath us recently. Whatever you plan for this dream of ours to come true, that's where I recommend you work.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now