Our Inspirations

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A/N Just a warning that this chapter reaches 12k words. Do I regret it? Kinda. But I can at least say that this makes the longest chapter I've ever posted in my two years on Wattpad. Good luck.

The recreational games were in full swing. Although I can't exactly describe it when only two games are shown off! Good thing you had nothing to do with them anymore after ditching the scavenger hunt with Tokage. You both wandered about the halls of the stadium, simply getting to know each other.

Tokage: So, my no longer arch nemesis, hows the U.A life treating you?

(Y/N): Well, up until now, it's been nothing but worrying about the sports festival. A lot slower paced than I've been told. But I'm sure that'll change once all this is over and done with.

Tokage: Oh yeah, especially in 1A huh?

(Y/N): Hmm? What gives with that anyway? I've been told our classes are supposedly meant to be destined rivals like we're out to kill each other.

Tokage: Ohhhhh that. It's nothing, really.

(Y/N): Is that right? Cuz Iron Man in your class doesn't act like it.

Tokage: Aw, Tetsutetsu's actually a nice guy. Trust me. Monoma on the other hand...

(Y/N): Monoma... Yeah, Sakamoto did mention his name a while back. Wait, he's the loudmouth blonde of your class?

Tokage: Right! He means well, until we talk about you guys.

(Y/N): *scoffs* Sounds like jealousy but okay.

Tokage: *laughs* Exactly! Personally, I don't really care much, but with so many people in my class looking up to me, I gotta make a good example. I can't just let my class down by not giving my all.

(Y/N): Huh. You mean a lot to your class, don't you?

Tokage: Well Yeah, Probably. When you're a recommended student, you can't help but feel like the expectations you need to reach are higher than the rest.

(Y/N): Well, I guess that's one thing we got in common.

The green haired girl turns to you with an eyebrow raised.

(Y/N): I'm no recommended student, but since I'm the new guy of the class... I feel like I have to work twice as hard as everyone else to feel... validated. Like you said, expectations just feel higher than the rest.

Tokage: ...Guess we're both just paranoid.

(Y/N): *laughs* Well I guess we are. Man I hope our whole dynamic isn't just playing therapist for each other.

You both laugh as you and Tokage round a corner, blindly going wherever the hallways lead you.

Tokage: Oh yeah, uh... no hard feelings about the cavalry battle, right?

(Y/N): Of course not. You were just following what your leader said, right?

Tokage: *nervous chuckle* Um... actually, attacking your team was my idea.

(Y/N): *sigh* Of course it was.

Tokage: Now now, hold on. It was a well thought out plan, thank you very much. I figured out your Quirks based on your T.V performance a while back, the recommendation exam I partook in, and deducted your front horses strengths and limitations based on a visual guess on his Quirk.

(Y/N): Wow. All that to back fire, huh?

Tokage: H-Hey, I didn't anticipate you suddenly taking charge and switching your formation! And neither did my team! You were like a singularity or something!

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now