Starting line

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The classes of U.A you attended weren't anything too far off what you've already been learning at your old school. Of course, there was no such thing as Hero studies with the Sports Festival around the corner, and 1A knew this all too well. But they weren't the only class with the sports festival in mind.

The school day came to a close, and yet as soon as everyone in 1A was ready to leave, the pink cheeks girl opened up the door, unveiling dozens of students outside, murmuring as they looked through your class.

???: Wh- What's going on!

Iida: *signature hand movement* What business do you have with Class A?

Mineta: We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?

Towards the back of the room, with your school bag over your shoulder, you lightly knock the angry redhead sitting at her desk on the shoulder.

(Y/N): The two of us are quite famous now, huh?

Nokogiri: *swatting your hand away* If that was the case, those daft fuckwits would be annoyin the other two as well. It's not us that they're after...

Her green eyes narrow down towards the classmates at the door.

Nokogiri: It's them.

But then, another student, one you haven't properly met yet made his way towards the front. His dirty blonde spiked hair stood out from everyone else.

???2: Scouting out the enemy, small fry. We're the ones who made it out of the villain's attack. They probably want to check us out before the sports festival.

That would be it. That's gotta be the reason they're here. But strangely enough, you didn't really pay attention to this guy throughout the day. But now, he seemed... familiar. You quickly made your way to the front of the room, followed by Nokogiri.

???2: There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras.

Everyone disliked that.

That immediately ticked off Iida, and setting both the pink cheeks girl and broccoli boy into shock. But as that all unfolded, that last word echoed in your head.

(Y/N): Extras...

You remembered him clearly now. Whilst failing the entrance exam originally mostly fell under your own fault, it was this kid who snatched all possibilities to get in in the first place. Calling everyone in his way that one nickname. Extra.

But you were shaken from your thoughts when a new challenger approached.

???3: I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant.

A boy with wavy purple hair pushed through the gathering crowds outside your classroom, making his way to the front to stare down the beast ahead.

???3: Are all the students in the Hero course like this? Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the Hero course. And a couple others went crying back home and applied somewhere else entirely. Did you know that? The school had left those of us who remained in U.A regardless a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the Hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out. But something I believe only I know, is that I know the most likely to be taken out.

Suddenly, his purple eyes lock with yours.

???3: (Y/N) (L/N). I remember you from the first exam. The boy who only just failed by one point, miraculously ends up here in the Hero course.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now