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The air held still in the run down outskirts of a distant town, as two police officers approached a house that seemed abandoned. But their source said otherwise.

One of them knocked on the door loudly. What followed was sounds of someone scrambling towards the door, before it opened, revealing a man in his young twenties with short white hair and a jean jacket. Angelo. He bore a confused look when seeing the police officers.

Angelo: Uhh... It wasn't me?

Officer1: Sir, we've been tipped that a recent criminal offence traces to this very address. May we come in?

Angelo: I'm sure you've got a poor source, but sure. Who am I to stop you?

The two officers follow the man into the household, before the latter of the three drops down onto an old couch in the living room.

Angelo: So what am I being held accountable for?

Officer1: Tartarus.

The white haired man raises his eyebrow at that.

Angelo: The prison for the worst of the worst, huh? That's nowhere near here.

Officer2: That may be so, but two people still broke into the prison, and killed a prisoner. And although the security feed gave out conveniently, the guard fessed that the two responsible traced back to this very address.

Angelo: Aaand you don't think they were just spouting a random address? He could've killed Rock Star and pinned it on some random stranger.

Officer1: ...A random stranger who just so happens to know the alias of the victim?

Realising his mistake, the man froze as he pulled a poker face, before shrugging.

Angelo: Lucky guess?

The unamused lead officer suddenly took out handcuffs.

Officer2: We never said a name.

Officer1: Sir, you are under arrest for the murder of a Tartarus inmate. Anything you say will be-

???: Actually, I'm afraid the two of you are done here.

Both police officers quickly spin around towards the new voice, before seeing a masked figure in a short sleeved dark grey hoodie, with a black skull mask with neon green lining. Both officers drew their guns seeing the new arrival.

Officer1: Sir! Stay out of this-

Suddenly, they both recognised the thorns that ran up the new figures arms. The same thorns that matched what killed Rock Star.

Officer1: Y-You're the villain who killed him! Your thorns, they match what was found in Tartarus!

???: Villain? Oh no, I'm no villain. But I'm no hero either. You bring weapons. But you will not need them. I offer only truth.

The masked figure slowly began approaching the officers, as they slowly backed off with their guns still pointed.

???: I know your type. Quirkless. Both of you. Yet you cling to whatever power you can find. That's why you joined the police, but this isn't what you want. You want to be free. Free from the shadows of hero society.

The man then holds out his open palms, as they each grew a dark thorn that glowed green at its tip.

???: I offer you this freedom. I offer you... salvation. Pledge allegiance, and-

Officer2: Like we'll listen to Villain scum like you!

They both pulled the triggers of their guns, each firing a round towards the 'villain'. But suddenly, red wires sprung from the floor, creating a thick wired barrier between the projectiles and their target, stopping the bullets as the police officers backed off in fear. The barrier then quickly dissipates into small red particles that fly off elsewhere, whilst the masked man let out a disappointed sigh.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now