The Joust

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I should probably stop using the same description of how the flames of the arena lit up in each corner, over and over again.

So once more, the flames of the arena lit up in each corner, as the second round of the tournament was about to begin! Rivals stood on each end of the arena, successors of great Heroes. A clash between Midoriya and Todoroki! But if you're reading this, than you probably know what happens. Regardless, just about everyone was on their toes for this one.

But then, someone turned the corner into 1A's spectator booth, grabbing the attention of a few students. However, it was a mixture of negative reactions upon seeing who it was.

Sero: Hey! It's our second favourite villain!

Walking down the aisle besides the seats was Nokogiri. Naturally, after her comment towards Ashido, people weren't exactly pleased to see her. It's a surprise to the class though that Sero can still joke with her.

Nokogiri: I don't know how, but I'll give ya steel to the face ya shit head!

Sero: ...Is that meant to mean that you'll shoot me or something? Your threats just become more and more dull as time goes.

Kaminari: D-Don't tick her off anymore man!

Nokogiri then stopped before the row she was about to sit in. But someone was in the way...

Nokogiri: Oi, shit head. Move your ass or I'll put those spikes on your head right through it instead.

The classes gaze moved down towards who the hostile girl was referring to. And it was a confrontation they all dreaded. In her way with his legs up on the seat in front was none other than the spiky haired Bakugo.

1A: *internally screaming* This was the one thing we didn't want to happen!

His deadly red eyed gaze stared up at the Scottish girl, unfazed.

Bakugo: I don't listen to crew cuts like you. Now beat it before I kill you.

Nokogiri: Oh you're a cheeky little fuck, ain't ya! Ego the size of a fuckin mountain or soemthin ya daft prick!?

Bakugo: Oh now you're asking for it! I'd fight you right here right now if it weren't for the fact that you were absolute dog shit in the first game of the festival!

Nokogiri: No, please! Don't let that stop you! I'd like to see you try!

Bakugo: Aight bet!

The flames of war were building up, as the class representative began panicking at the escalating situation.

Iida: This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!

Kaminari: I don't like our odds of getting out alive... Hey! (L/N)! You're the only one who can stop Nokogiri at least! Do somethi-

Sero: Huh? He left a while ago.

Kaminari: ...Excuse me, what!?

Sero: (L/N) has his battle with Iida right after this one, so he's off getting prepared.

Kaminari: B-But Iida's right here! Why is (L/N) suddenly more responsible than him now of all times!

Pikachu's frightened gaze dashed back towards the growing fire between Bakugo and Nokogiri.

Nokogiri: —And that's just what I'll do to your arms!

Bakugo: How cute. Now scram before I rip you a new one!

Sero: Hey... Uh... bizarre concept Nokogiri, but you can just sit somewhere else.

Kaminari: *quietly* Like in a mental asylum.

Redline (My Hero Academia Male Reader Insert) **BEING REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now