𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

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WE WAITED at JJ's place until the sun started to set and even then there was no sign of John B or Kie. I let JJ take the wheel of the minivan and we drove back to John B's place where I left the boys to their devises and headed home. I'd had enough for one day and all I wanted to do was try and get some sleep.

But that was not what my dad had planned for me.

As soon as I walked into the house he appeared, telling me that my mom wanted to see me. I was far from impressed but apparently she was accusing him of corrupting me into not wanting to see her.

It wasn't that it was just that I didn't particularly like the woman after what she did to my dad.

I got on my shabby dirt bike and started my drive to Figure Eight, ignoring JJ and Pope as they shouted after me from John B's porch. If they were still there when I returned home I'd tell them then where I'd been.

I wasn't looking forward to seeing my mom and Topper especially after he'd dobbed me in for smoking weed, clearly his life was boring he had to get a thrill off snitching me in to my mother.

I also wasn't looking forward to whatever argument my mom and I were about to get into. I'd had a rough day and I couldn't be arsed to deal with whatever shit she was going to throw my way.

I drove through the Cut to get to Figure Eight without thinking. I knew the route from the amount of times I'd driven it, it was implemented into my head. I sometimes drove on the faster side and because of that I sometimes found it harder to stop.

So when someone ran out in front of me I swerved them heavily, squeezing the break so hard I nearly flipped over the handle bars. I turned behind me to see John B stood in the middle of the road looking at me and I cocked my head to the side in confusion, "John B?"

He didn't reply, instead he ran towards me and hopped on the back of my bike, "Go."


"Christ, Mal, just drive!" He yelled in a rush.

"John B!" A man yelled and I saw one of the square groupers from this morning running out of someone's back garden, "Get your ass back here, boy!"

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I groaned, revving the throttle and driving away. John B wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and I drove significantly faster than I was before, "Where we going?" I yelled back to him, zipping past people in the street as they yelled at me.

"I don't care!" He yelled over the wind, "Just get me away from them!"

"Rodger that, Routledge." I replied, pushing the bike to go faster.

This was where people would call me a daredevil, when I got too much adrenaline from a rush and the actions I did became borderline dangerous. I was an adrenaline junky, I was addicted to the feeling of freedom I got whenever I did something that kick started my adrenaline. Yeah, I was running from people who were trying to kill us and it was terrifying but the adrenaline pumping through my body made me forget all about it.

I turned a sharp left and sped down a road but before I could even notice a black truck pulled out from a side street, driving straight into the side of my bike. I lost control pretty quickly and the bike skidded out from underneath me, John B and I hitting the gravel. I landed on my side, rolling from the speed I had been flung and hit my head off the road.

I opened my eyes to see John B above me, grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet, "C'mon, we gotta go!"

I groaned in response as he ran, pulling me away from the square groupers by my hand. I followed him as we ran down to a dead end, an eight foot fence at the bottom of it.

𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙄𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙  | 𝙅𝙅  𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠Where stories live. Discover now