𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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     I WAS SURPRISED my dad had allowed JJ to stop with me, knowing my feelings towards him. He normally bunked at the chateau but I think my dad saw that JJ needed comfort tonight and I did too, that was his deciding factor into offering him to stay with us tonight. His only condition was that JJ slept on the floor but he didn't even last a minute down there before he crawled into my bed with me. He laid on his back and I rested my head against his bare chest, my leg over his as he tickled my arm slowly — holding me.

It was a strange feeling being this close and personal with someone, especially someone you'd known for so long. JJ and I only ever shared a bed if we passed out on it, like the futon after one too many joints for something. We'd never been this close before and as foreign as it felt I loved it.

Here we both were, battered and bruised but at least we had each other. He had a hearing in two weeks and I'd already pleaded my mom to be his attorney. The woman was skilled and she could get anyone out of virtually anything. As long as we could pay the restitution JJ could avoid prison.


"Mhm?" I hummed and I leaned my chin on his chest, looking at him.

"What does this mean for us?" He asked me, his voice was quiet and soft.

I paused to think. There was a lot he could be talking about, "You mean this?" I asked, pointing to him and I. He nodded in response and I bit my lip, "I don't know." I replied honestly, "I guess it means we're not friends anymore."

He nodded, a graze of a smile on his lips, "You know I like you." He told me, "I think you're this amazing, super hot, badass, daredevil.. and you drive me crazy."

I smiled at him, slotting my fingers in his, "I like you too, a lot more than a friend, and I have done for months now. I just..
I was too scared to say anything incase you didn't feel the same way."

"I wish you did." He told me honestly, "And then maybe you wouldn't of slept with John B."

I chewed my lip, "The only reason I went for John B that night was because we were flirting all night and you left to go and meet Melanie fucking Kleeton. I was jealous that you were interested in her and not me."

"Yeah well you're a thousand times better than Melanie Kleeton." He told me.

I arched a brow at him, "Really?"

Instead of replying JJ sat up slightly and he dipped his head to mine and pressed his lips against mine. He caught my bottom lip in between his, his hand going into my hair while he looped his arm around my lower back. He pulled away but rested his forehead against mine, "Really."

I kissed him back and slowly I sat up, pulling away from him an inch. Our noses were still touching and I hooked my leg around his, straddling him.

"That's hot." He muttered against my lips and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me. His gaze was consuming, it was like he was trapping me with his eyes and I found myself getting lost.

"You're hot." I replied, slowly dragging my hands down his chest.

He leaned in again, kissing me firmer this time. The pressure was perfect and slowly I traced my hands up to behind his neck, my hands tangling up in the back of his hair. I felt high and I'd never once felt like this when I'd kissed a boy. It was like his touch was intoxicating, I wanted more of it, I wanted it to last forever.

My mind was running away as we continued to kiss. The way JJ kissed was quick and firm, he didn't let me catch up to his pattern before he change it up kissed me differently again and I was all right with that.

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