Chpter 1: The Letter

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Eragon sighed and sat down heavily in his chair. I can't believe that it's been 50 years since we left Alagaesia. Eragon thought. I know, little one, Saphira replied. He leaned his head back and rested his head against the wall for a moment.After a few minutes, a little boat made of grass floated in through the window. Eragon recognized it on a sub-conscious level and jumped up,, snatching the boat out of the air.He stayed that way for a long while, before finally remembering it. It was from a night long ago, shared by him and Arya, the love of his life, who also happened to be queen of the elves. He noticed a letter was tied to one of the masts, and he deftly slipped it off. He looked at it a moment, then opened it, his heart beating fast. The letter said,


I know it has been long since you have heard from me, and for this I am truly sorry. As one of the only Dragon Riders in Alagaesia old enough to fulfill my duty, and as the queen of the Elves, I have been kept very busy. I would have written this sooner, but I never knew what to say, and on the rare occasion that I did, I would not have time andI soon forgot. I hope you will forgive my long silence. I have 6 new riders that are ready to come and learn with you. They are eager to meet the legendary Dragon Rider Eragon Bromsson, Kingkiller and Shadeslayer. There is one problem though, they are all to young to make the journey by themselves, and even as a group, I am afraid that they would not make it. Therefore, and I hope you agree with my decision, for I have already put it into action, I have decided to accompany them. By the tie you read this, we should already be within a week from the island. I will be seeing you soon,


Upon reading this, Eragon fell over in shock. He thought,Arya is coming to visit! I must tell the other Elves! Saphira agreed, then flew down from high in the sky. You've gotten so big,commented Eragon. Saphira swelled at the compliment, then leaned down so he could get on. As big as she was, though, Eragon still had to climb up her massive paw before being able to jump his way up her side. He got to her back and sat down, then he tied himself into the saddle. Once he was ready, Saphira took two thunderous flaps of her enormous wings, then pushed herself off of the ground with her highly muscled legs. Soon they were soaring through the air over their island.

Hey, I hope you guys liked the first chapter! (I wont be surprised if you didn't, though. I'm a terrible writer) I plan to have the second chapter out by Sunday, but I might not, so sorry in advance for if that happens! Thanks for actually reading my (no doubt crappy) book!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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