6. The Moving Day

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27,493 likes - 638 comments

@ lucyj_  toasting to new beginnings! x

@ jessh  so happy for you girly!!

@ fan  what does this mean?

@ fan2  aesthetic goals!

Lucy PoV

Today I officially moved in with Harry. Its really exciting but also a little scary. The scariest part is that my parents are coming to see 'my new place' soon and they have no idea that I moved in with Harry. Or any idea that I am with him. I know its bad, but they are quite strict and protective with me and I don't think they would love the idea of me moving in with a boy I met three months ago at 18.

I just hope that when they do meet him they will be nice with him. They aren't bad people, but they aren't great around people I date, I haven't dated many but the two I have dated have not gone down very well with them. My dad is the worst and asks too many questions.

Now all of the boxes from my flat are piled up outside of Harry's room and I need to organize them and then put some things away in storage. All my furniture is still at my place and I have two weeks to clear it and put stuff away until Harry and I eventually get a bigger place, or I decide to sell it all.

Harry PoV

''so, I need to unpack and then decide what I might want in storage along with my furniture. But first we need to tidy this place up a bit'' Lucy starts telling me as her last box is brought upstairs by Lux

''we?'' i ask her as we both laugh

''yes'' she replies as she walks over to me and i wrap my arms around her

''how much shit do you have Lucy'' Freezy asks as we are all looking at this huge pile of boxes taking up the area around my bedroom door

''well, in my defense it looked like a lot less in my flat.'' she replies

''you have three large boxes named pillows'' Lux jokes with her and she laughs as she rolls her eyes

''three?'' i ask her in disbelief

''i know, i need to get my storage space sorted out because i can't have all this here but i don't want to chuck it all out''

''what do you want to do now then?'' i ask as Lucy walks away from me and over to open a box

''i don't even know where to start''

''i have an idea'' Lux adds

''go on then'' Lucy tells him

''i was thinking we order dinner and worry about this later after a few drinks''

''i would be okay with that, what do you think Lucy?'' i ask her

''yeah, let's go out though. i really want to go out'' she says

we all walked a few streets over to a little Italian restaurant for pizzas and wine. Lucy was now really relaxed around the boys and its really good to see. at first she was a bit uncomfortable and she didnt think that they liked her but now they all get along really well.

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