11. The fight

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@ lucyj_  date night :)

@ jessh  we need a girls night!!

@ fan  this looks so yummy!

Harry PoV

Tonight is our date night, every second Friday we make sure to spend the night just us and do something fun and relaxing. usually its dinner and a movie out or going for drinks. Last week was Valentines day and one of the things i got Lucy was a projector so that we could watch movies in our bedroom on a large scale or on the balcony.

tonight we are using it for the first time, we have ordered Pizza and we are going to watch a movie on the balcony. she has set it up to look really nice with lights and beanbags, we never usually used the balcony and i had no idea it could look this nice.

''Happy date night'' Lucy tells me as she hands me the pizza box and sits down next to me

''ooh- thank you'' i reply as i kiss her cheek and she giggles

''you need a haircut'' she jokes with me

''thanks. what do you want to watch?'' 

''you can pick, i don't mind'' she replies

''i really hate when you do that'' i tell her as we both start eating

Lucy PoV

Harry and i were sat on the balcony eating dinner and using a projector to watch a movie together. Harry's phone was projecting the picture onto the wall and every so often he would get a notification. all of a sudden a text from a girl called Ella appeared, i am not the protective or jealous type but this text seemed too much.

''who is Ella?'' I asked him

''just someone I met'' he tells me as he leans over to kiss me

''you met'' i replied as i pull away from him

''yeah last night''

''let me read this text for you 'last night was fun! How would you like to go out tonight?' who the hell is she and what did you do with her'' i snap at him

''What? I did nothing with her, i am with you''

''oh, cut the crap Harry'' I scream at him and throw his phone at his stomach as i stand up 

''oh come on, I barely did anything with her and you have done much smuttier stuff with that David guy and have a very sluty attitude around him. you did one photo shoot with and you now have drinks a lot''

''did you just call me a slut?'' i replied as i start to walk away and go downstairs

''no, now you are taking words out of my moth, but you get dressed up to meet him and you are very close'' he says as he follows me downstairs

''we are just friends. and David is gay so we could never do anything, not that I could ever cheat on you. but you were the one that just called me a slut''

''well maybe you are'' he screams back

''oh. My. god.'' I stutter and gab my shoes as most of our friends are downstairs and looking over at us

''where are you going'' he shouts

''like you care''

''I do care, and I really didn't mean it Lucy. i was caught in the moment''

''don't worry this slut is leaving''

''Lucy!'' he shouts at me as I slam the door and walk away

Harry PoV

Lucy slams the door and leaves. i can't believe this but its even worse because our friends were all watching us.

''aaaaahhhhh'' i exclaim before running upstairs to our bedroom

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