Part 16

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As promised, a weekly and scheduled update!!! Enjoy!!!

Virgil's POV:

 We all filed inside. I sat in the first row, right behind the table that Logan, Roman, and their lawyer, Remy, sat at. Remy Dormir, acts like almost a completely different person outside of the courtroom, but the moment he puts on his suit, that he steps into the court setting, he changes and that's how I know I can trust him. That he can truly win this. He even drank a completely different kind of coffee than he usually drinks. Every time we met up with him to go over details and the case, he had some frilly, white girl Starbucks coffee. Today he had plain coffee with some sweetener and sugar. I do have to say it was strange seeing him with no sunglasses.

There were two other tables on the other side of the room, across from my friends' table. There were two men looking through some papers; both were in suits. They had to have been the other three's lawyers. We had been informed that D had gotten a different lawyer than the other two. Other than being a witness, there was one other thing that had me incredibly nervous. I hadn't told anyone about it. We would all find out today though. D had asked to see me while he was in jail but I refused. I just couldn't.

An officer announced the judge and she walked in through a side door that was near the judges stand. Everyone stood up.

"You may be seated." she sat down herself.

We sat down. She settled herself in before telling the officer by the door she came in to bring in the accused. The three were brought in with handcuffs on. Ace and Jax looked... remorseful? D looked annoyed. I looked down to the ground in front of me.

"We are here today for the trial of Logan Teach and Roman Royal against Anthony Jackson, Jax Martinez, and Janus Anx." fuck. My friends all turned and looked at me, "Mr. Jackson is being charged with aggravated assault against Mr. Royal, discrimination against Mr. Royal, and public intoxication. Mr. Jackson, how do you plead?"

"Guilty your honor." his lawyer stood and spoke.

Ace, or Anthony I guess, seemed like he regretted his actions.

"Mr. Martinez is being charged with aggravated assault on Mr. Royal and Mr. Teach, discrimination against Mr. Royal, and public intoxication. Mr. Martinez, how do you plead?"

"Guilty your honor." the same lawyer repeated his actions for him as well. He seemed less regretful but regretful nonetheless.

"Mr. Anx is being charged with aggravated assault against Mr. Royal and Mr. Teach, discrimination against Mr. Royal, and public intoxication. Mr. Anx, how do you plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor." Janus's lawyer spoke before taking his seat once more.

There was no doubt in my mind anymore. My face was bright red, my anxiety very very high. I let my wrist twitch and leg bounce rapidly. Roman and Logan kept glancing back at me every so often until Remy told them they had to stop. Patton glanced at me from time to time as well. I just stared at the floor in front of me. I could feel Janus' eyes on me. If he didn't already put together who I was, he was going to soon.

"Mr. Jackson, you are being sentenced to five years in prison with a chance of parole after two years. Mr. Martinez, you are being sentenced to five years in prison with a chance of parole after three years. You two are dismissed."

The two were escorted away, their lawyer following close behind.

"Mr. Anx, you've chosen to plead not guilty; we will now start the trial." she turned to the jury, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is your job to listen carefully and pay attention to both sides of the story. You are permitted to take note but keep in mind that doing so may cause you to miss details and that your notes may be inaccurate or incomplete. You are not to share your notes with anyone else. You may take them with you into the jury room when the time comes. All notes will be handed in and destroyed at the end of the trial and will not be used in either case as any form of evidence. Let's begin." she turned towards us, "Mr. Dormir, let's hear your opening statement."

I hope you enjoyed! Have a great rest of your day!!!

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