Part 26

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Wrote up a small chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!!

Roman's POV:

I said goodnight to Patton and he headed upstairs to bed. I got a glass of water and then headed up to my room as well. I walked in my room and set the glass of water on my nightstand. I went to my dresser and pulled out a sweatshirt and some basketball shorts. I changed my clothes. Don't get me wrong, I love getting all fancy but there is a point where even the comfiest of fancy clothes don't beat out regular ol' comfy clothes. I went to the bathroom and removed the small amount of makeup that I had been wearing and brushed my teeth. I laid down on my bed and let out a sigh of relief as I got comfortable. My fluffy blanket was on my pillow and I let myself nuzzle into the soft fabric. The end of my tail flicked a bit from side to side.

There was a soft knock at the door. I sat up and slowly got off the bed. I went over to my door and opened it to find Virgil standing outside my room, head down a bit as he messed with his hoodie sleeves.

"Hey, Virgil. Everything okay?" I was concerned a bit by his manor.

"Can I hang out in your room for a bit?" his voice was soft but there was a hint of fear in it that only made me worry more.

"Of course, you're always welcome in here," I gave him a small smile despite the fact that he hadn't looked at me this entire time.

He looked up at me and gave me a tiny smile. His makeup had been removed for the night and he was no longer in his outfit from earlier. His ripped jeans had been exchanged for leggings and while I couldn't see what shirt he was wearing, if he was wearing one at all, I took a pretty good guess that the flannel he had been wearing earlier that evening was traded in for a T-shirt or something similar. I could see faint freckles dusting his cheeks, not too many and not super visible but they were there. His hair fell slightly in front of his eyes but not to the point that it blocked his vision or at least that's what I assumed.

I stepped aside, opening the door a bit more to let him in. I softly shut the door once he was in, careful not to let the door make a loud noise as I didn't want to spook Virgil or wake the love birds down the hall. I went back to my bed and sat down. I had moved my pillow to support my back so that it didn't hurt and moved the blanket that had been on it to the side. Virgil just kind of stood next to the bed hesitantly and messed with his hoodie sleeves again.

"Come here Emo," I gave another smile and opened my arms to the smaller male.

He looked up and smiled softly again. I loved that little smile. There was real, genuine happiness behind it and you could see it. His eyes would soften a bit and his cheeks would get just ever so slightly a light dusting of pink. The sides of his lips would curl up the tiniest amount, but it was enough to tell and see that he was, in that small moment, happy. Even his cute cat ears would start to flatten just a bit.

Virgil climbed onto the bed and laid down next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him just a bit closer. He laid his head back against my chest and let himself get comfy. His tail started to do the same little flicking motion that mine had been doing just before he knocked.

"You doin okay Virge?"

"Just a bit anxious. Heard talking and peaked out my window to see a couple walk by the house but my brain went to.." his voice trailed off.

His tail stopped the flicking motion and he seemed to stare off just a bit. I knew he was thinking about the night his brother broke in and attacked him. I held him just a tiny bit tighter and started to gently play with his hair. He seemed to snap out of his half daze, not in a jarring way though. His ears flattened a bit as I played with his hair, twirling it around my fingers, gently separating the occasional tangle. I softly pet his ears and he started to purr. It was quiet but definitely audible and even if it hadn't been audible I could feel him purring. It was absolutely adorable. It put a smile on my face as I kept petting him. He eventually gave up trying to keep the purr quiet, not that his purr was super loud in general.

"I'm not letting anyone hurt you again, Virgil. That's a promise."

I hope you guys enjoyed that tiny little part and have a great rest of your day!!!

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