Part 24 (Continued)

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I'm just gonna say, I feel very proud of myself for devastating you guys with a cliff hanger and split chapter. I much enjoyed the comments on the last few chapters. Well, you guys asked for it so her it is... PART 2!!! Enjoy!!!

Roman's POV:

I fixed my hair what had to have been the millionth time. I was so nervous. I wanted the date to be a surprise but that meant I didn't know if Virgil would like where I picked to eat. Maybe walking through the park is too boring. I sighed, forcing myself to leave my hair alone.

"It's gonna be fine Roman. Virgil is going to love what you have planned."

"Thanks Patton." I tried to tie my bowtie, muttering to myself, "I should have gotten a pre-tied clip on." I sighed.

Patton came over and tied it for me with a smile, "Roman. You look great. Now get out there and wow that anxious child." he left the room with a smile.

"I'll be down in a minute." I called after him.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror. Thanks to Logan, my button up had practically no wrinkles at all. Patton helped me pick out the outfit. I laced up my white and red converse, grabbed my wallet and phone, and headed down the stairs.

Logan and Patton were one the couch next to each other. Virgil was sitting on the couch, the part closest to the stairs. He looked amazing.

"Wh-whoa.." Virgil's mouth was slightly open.

His reaction to my appearance gave me a small ego boost. I blushed and chuckled at the compliment

"Whoa, yourself Stormcloud." I smiled at him.

Virgil blushed and looked at the ground shyly.


"Yea- oh, wait. I forgot my wallet. Hold on."

"Nope. I'm paying."

"Roman I'm not gonna let you pay for m-"

"Yes. Yes you are." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the car before he could grab it.

"Have fun you two!" Patton called after us, to which I shot him a smile and a nod.

I opened Virgil's door for him and closed it once he was inside before scrambling to my own seat and driving off. I told Virgil where we were going while in the car. I was relieved to know he liked the Spaghetti Factory. It didn't take long for us to get there. We walked in and after giving my last name, we were taken to a two seated booth. A girl, who I assumed was our waitress walked up and started to introduce herself.

"Hi! My name is Valerie and I'll be yo-.. Roman?!" I looked up from my menu to see Valerie, an old friend from high school.

"No way! Hey, Valerie! I didn't know you worked here." it was nice to see her again.

Valeria and I haven't had the chance to hang out much since she started college. We chatted for a moment before she took our drink orders and left. I had forgotten that she didn't know I was a neko since I wasn't out until recently. She was very supportive though.

"How do you know Valerie?"

"Oh, we were drama and choir buddies in high school. We've managed to stay in touch."


Virgil and I chatted about people we had stayed in touch with past high school. He mentioned someone named Talyn who sounded familiar. Soon Valerie came back with our drinks and took our food orders. Virgil and I made small talk until our food came. After dinner, I took Virgil to a park. There ended up being an ice cream stand so we each got a cone. I regret getting two scoops. It was just hot enough that the ice cream melted quickly. Virgil laughed and teased me the entire time until my ice cream was soup in a waffle cone that was beginning to get very soggy. I sadly threw my cone away. Virgil only laughed once more at my "childish" behavior. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

We walked around for another 15 minutes. I grabbed Virgil's hand nervously. He didn't pull away or object. Our now connected arms swung a little as we walked. We finally reached the spot in the park that was my favorite. It wasn't a super known area of the park. Not a lot of people went to this side. There was this giant Willow Tree. The branches hung a little less than a foot from the ground. When you went inside the branches, there was this big open space. The grass stayed super short due to the lack of sunlight. I used to come here as a kid and climb in the tree, making little cravings of the letter "R" and a little crown above it. Most of them are probably still in the tree but I'm much too big now to climb up and see.

We sat down. Virgil laid his head on my shoulder. I could feel this warm and tingly sensation where his head rested. It was the same feeling I had felt when I grabbed his hand. I didn't dare move. I wanted this moment to last forever. We sat there until it started to get dark.

Virgil sat up straight and I could hear his back pop like eight times. I gave him a look of concern and he just shrugged. He looked at the time on his phone.

"Should we head home? It'll be dark soon."

"Sure." I replied.

I stood up and offered him a hand. He took it and I helped him up. We stood inches from each other. He stared up at me and I stared back into those dark brown eyes of his. They almost had a grey tint to them. Then he bit his lip. It made me blush a bit but I was also curious. Why is he biting his lip? Is it something I did? I wasn't quite sure what to do but I did not want to pass up this opportunity.

"What's with the lip bite Emo?" I said with a smirk.

Virgil turned a dark shade of red. He had stopped biting his lip and looked lost in thought.

"That's too bad. It was kinda cute." I teased, causing him to turn a dark crimson.

His look of being lost in thought only intensified. I would have chuckled to myself a bit if I wasn't questioning where the hell I got the confidence to say all of that.

I glanced at Virgil's lips. They were slightly parted and looked so soft. I leaned in closer. I wanted to kiss him. I stopped with barely any distance left between us. I could see Virgil coming out of his own thoughts and back to reality.

I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I didn't want to cross a boundary and ruin everything: the chance at a relationship, the friendship, how close that I've managed to get to this adorable, emo bean. I was so nervous, too. What if I'm a bad kisser? What if he feels pressured to? What if this ruins everything?

"Do you want me to stop?" was all I could manage to get out.

He didn't say a word. I almost missed the shake of his head that told me he didn't want to stop. I closed the gap and fireworks went off in my head. OMG!! I'M KISSING VIRGIL ANX. MY CRUSH... AND HE'S KISSING BACK! It felt amazing. The tingles that I felt from before were lighting up my lips.

I pulled away for air. I felt breathless and when I looked down at the red, boy below me, he looked the same way. Virgil had a small smile on his lips. It made me smile. After a second he looked up at me.

"Th-that w-was...." he stuttered.

"Amazing?" I finished for him with a small chuckle.

"Y-yeah." he laughed a bit, still completely red.

I went to take a step back but Virgil grabbed my shirt and pulled me down for another kiss. It shocked me a bit. It wasn't super often that Virgil was super confident, let alone confident enough to initiate something like that. I definitely didn't object though. I kissed back with joy. When we finally pulled away again, I had what probably looked like the dumbest smile ever. Virgil laughed at me. It was my turn to turn red. I let a nervous laugh out.

"Let me guess," Virgil laughed, "that was amazing?"

I nodded and laughed.

I hope you guys enjoyed!!!!! Have a great rest of your day!!

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