Part 22

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Sup friends!!!!! Got another long and juicy one for ya!! Enjoy!!

Roman's POV:

I woke up to a muffled thud. I thought I heard voices but when I went to get out of bed I heard absolutely nothing. I was so confused. I just sat there, listening. But I couldn't really hear anything except for my fan. I slowly laid back down and closed my eyes. Not long after I heard yelling and it wasn't the voice of any of my friends. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was nearly two a.m. I got up and left my room but it became apparent that the voice was coming from Virgil's room.

"ROMAN!!!! PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!!!" it was Virgil.

I tried the door knob but it was locked. I banged on the door.

"LET ME IN!!!!" I yelled.

"ROMAN!!! LOGAN!!!! SOMEONE!!!! HELP ME!!!!! IT'S D!!! HE GOT IN!!!!"

Not long after Logan came running down the hall asking what the hell was going on.

"D got in! He's trying to hurt Virgil and the door is fucking locked."

"PATTON GET MY TINY SCREWDRIVER." Logan yelled to Patton.

"What the hell is a tiny screwdriver gonna do Logan?! Virgil is in trouble."

"You don't think I know that?!" he hissed.

I kept banging on the door and trying to break it down but the stupid door wouldn't budge. Patton came sprinting down the hall with a look of terror on his face. He handed Logan the screwdriver. Logan pushed me aside and kneeled down. He put the screwdriver in the tiny hole of the doorknob. After a second he unlocked the door. I barged in and tackled D to the ground. He threw me off and kicked me in the side. Logan punched him in the face and he fell to the ground unconscious. Logan helped me up as Patton tried to get Virgil to open the bathroom door.

"Call the police." Logan instructed.

I nodded and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and dial 911.

"Hello, 911, what is your emergency?" a lady asked.

"My name is Roman Royal. Our house just got broken into and one of my roommates was attacked."

"Okay, stay calm. What is your address?" I quickly gave her my address.

"Alright, I'm sending the police your way? Is anyone injured?"

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Virgil no! Logan go get the first aid kit!!" Patton screamed.


"Okay, I'm sending the paramedics. Is the attacker still in the house?"

"Yes, we managed to knock him unconscious." I replied.

"Alright. Do you know who your attacker is."

"His name is Janus Anx but he goes by D."

"Okay. Police are on their way along with paramedics. They will be there shortly. Are you okay for me to hang up or do you need me to stay on the line?"

"I think we will be okay until the police get here. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Stay safe Sir. Goodbye."

"Bye." I hung up and peaked inside the bathroom.

Virgil's left arm was bandaged from wrist to elbow and there was a small pool of blood on the floor. He had a small cut on his cheek and a big bruise on his forehead near his left temple. Logan and Patton tried to help Virgil to his feet but he fell back down with a loud yelp. Logan picked him up and started to carry him out of the bathroom. He was shaking a little and I could tell that he was having a little difficulty carrying Virgil. I offered to take him.

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