Part 20

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Thank you all for your patience!! I am not returning to scheduled posting quiet yet but I wanted to give you something to read. Enjoy!

Patton's POV:

    Virgil's parents were so sweet and caring. It made me wonder how D ended up being their child; although, I don't think it was anyone's fault. It took 15 minutes for the jury to reach a final decision and we were called back in, one last time. Virgil's parents sat next to me and Virgil this time.

    "What is the jury's verdict?" the judge asked.

    One woman stood up. She was the one sitting in the closest corner to the judge. She cleared her throat before looking at the judge and answering the question.

    "We find the defendant guilty, your honor." she sat back down.

    "Son of a bitch! You bastard, I'll kill you!!!" D stood up and lunged at us. Virgil flinched so badly he nearly fell off the bench.

    His mom held him and his dad stood up to block his path. Two guards quickly restrained D and cuffed him. Virgil was crying and clinging to his mother who also had tears running down her face. Virgil's dad turned back to them and put a comforting arm around his family.

    "The jury has found Mr. Anx guilty. After his actions here today on top of the final verdict, I sentence him to seven years in prison with no chance of parole."

    D was quickly taken away. We all headed out to our cars. We thanked Remy for all his help. We agreed that we should hang out sometime outside of the court setting. Remy seemed like a chill dude. Virgil's parents offered dinner at their house. We all accepted. I absolutely love Virgil's parents. They're so sweet. They have this sweet cat named midnight. She's so pretty. I love Sharron's food, too. She's a good cook. I enjoyed helping her cook. Virgil seemed a lot calmer than at the courthouse and he even laughed and smiled with us. During dinner I could have sworn that I saw someone in the window but when I looked back there was no one there. I'm just being paranoid.

We were wrapping things up and about to leave when Logan, Roman, and Virgil's parents all got a call within seconds of each other. We all looked at each other with slight unease.

"It's the police." Roman said.

"Same here." Logan and Sharron agreed.

They all separated a little so that they could hear their own calls. When they all finished we regathered. Virgil looked pale.

"D escaped custody." Logan stated.

Virgil looked even more pale. He started shaking and his eyes darted every which way. He backed up into a wall and just slid to the floor mumbling the word no under his breath over and over and over. He was completely freaking out.

"Virgil? Honey? Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Sharron kneeled down in front of Virgil.

"What's happening?" Roman asked.

"He's having a panic attack." Virgil's dad answered calmly.

"Virgil, I need you to look at me. Can you do that for me?" Sharron's voice was calm.

    Virgil looked to his mother with pure fear.

    "Is touch okay?" he nodded a little.

    She held his hand comfortingly and ran her thumb over his knuckles. This seemed to help calm him a little bit but his breathing was all whacky.

    "Can one of you come here and sit next to him?" she asked.

    Roman sat next to Virgil and put an arm around him. Virgil clung to Roman as Roman whispered reassurances to him.

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