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I wish you'd someday realise,
What I kept proving you thrice,
That day could be the day I die,
Let my last breath be a sigh,
Of happiness, that I once lost,
Between the sobs of misery,
The eyes that used to glimmer with hope,
Shall close forever with tears.

Rain was that invisible soul,
Who wiped my tears,
With the tiny droplets of water,
So that I remain the same, even while bearing the pain.
The eyes that showed serenity,
Shall close forever searching for solace.

One morning you'd wake up....
Only to realise,that:
The eyes that loved watching the dawn,
Shall never be able to see one again.


Hello people, I'm really sorry for being a lazy person to update but have been going through a lot lately.

Also, it's one of my friends birthday today. Happy birthday AkAshPathAnia7

Okay I'm so excited even though it's your birthday but anyways I wish you all the luck!!✨✨✨ Me irritates you alot, I know but it's a habit can't really help, you gotta deal with me everyday 🙃

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