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I stood behind Solenn, tightening the waist line of her wedding gown, carefully piercing a couple of pins to take note on how many inches or centimeters must be adjusted to hug her figure well. Being a model she is, her thin waist gave emphasis on the volume of her skirt. 

"Seems like your diet is effective, what's the tip?" I asked, giggling at her blushing face as she turn around in front of the mirror; admiring herself on her wedding gown. The lace on her sleeves needs some finishing touch with Swarovski crystals, but the fitting is enough for her to still move comfortably. The back hang low, like 3-4 inches above the skirt, and that is where the adjustment is needed. "The hemline is enough for you to walk, but do you want to lengthen or shorten the train?" I asked, spreading the long portion of the gown that trails on her back.

"Love, sis. Finding someone you'll spend your whole life with, that's the tip I could give you." She winked at me, and the idea of finding someone after my failed marriage is off of my table for now so I just smiled at her remark. "I love the dress, though it needs adjustment with the measurements, i'm in love! It doesn't feel heavy at all despite the volume."

I nodded at the seamstress as she jot down notes with the adjustments she has to make. "The batiste and net made the magic out of your mother's chiffon dress. It was historical, we just made some tweaks and flick of the fingers." I kid around, fixing the layers of her gown, "The details will be done by next weekend, are you free by then? For the final fitting?"

She clapped her hands and did her little dance out of excitement, "Perfect! I'm giving out invites next week as well, you should get your dress ready too because I wouldn't want you to miss the day i'll wear your piece."

I nodded at her before she excused herself to change. I took it as my cue to leave and went to my office, luckily, Jongho is out of sight. I sat on my chair, switch from heels to my slides as I open a couple of folders; seeing the details for the upcoming events, and even the sales for the past month, afterall, it's a company still.

I pressed  the intercom and called Wooyoung from his office. A couple of minutes pass, and there he was, walking towards me with an ipad on his hand.

"Yes, babe? You called?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me as he glance over the paperworks I am reading.

"I saw the compilation of the models we can work with, both with the charity event and the summer collection, but you do know I don't want to just stick with men with muscles nor with women with thin waists. Not everyone has that type of body, not every client of us were built like that, so kindly do a revision for this before we proceed with screening." I handed him back the folders, with sticky notes on it as well, "And, can you tell the team to present in 15 minutes?"

"Have a date?" He teased, typing on his ipad, sneaking glances at me with a wide smile on his face.

"Yes. Date with the daughter." I rolled my eyes at his smirk, which makes him lean closer to me over the desk.

"Hmm, but what about that dancer? Are you still not together? He's hot as hell!" He squealed, "But not as hot as my boyfriend." He pursed his lips and snap his fingers at me before laughing. His high pitch laugh made me burst into a fit of laughter as well.

I set aside some papers, and left the essentials for the team meeting. I eyed him as he smiled through his phone, "Who is your flavor of the month, huh?"

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