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"Taya, open the door!" Walter calls out to his granddaughter

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"Taya, open the door!" Walter calls out to his granddaughter. She sighs, setting her phone down, and finding herself opening the front door. "Large pepperoni?" Tyler, which Taya knows from her ethics class says with a smile.

"You're late. If it's longer than thirty minutes, isn't it free?" Walter raises his eyebrows, walking up from behind. "No. I think that's from the eighties." Tyler shakes his head.

"No offense, but.. is your dog pregnant or just super fat?" He questions, glancing down at Mabel. Taya rolls her eyes, picking up the pug and holding her close.

"Goodbye." Walter raises his eyebrows, beginning to shut the door while Tyler rambles on. "Wow, that's exact change. There's no tip!" He calls, though by then, the door is already shut in his face.

"God, I hate that guy. Why can't we just get pizza somewhere else?" Taya complains, setting the box down on the table.

"Because, it's the closest to our house. We gotta deal with what we've got." Walter chuckles. "Hey, I'm not really hungry. Mind if I take Mabel out on a walk? I think she's gotta burn some calories." She jokes.

"Oh, yes. That would be lovely. Thank you." Walter nods. Already knowing that the harness wouldn't fit, Taya trusts Mabel to simply walk beside her, and usually, she does. Before leaving, she grabs one of her old red bucket hats, and walks out.

As she exits the house, she spots Tyler, still standing on the sidewalk, leaned up against his scooter. "What are you still doing here?"

"Never got a tip, so..." he trails off. "Anyways, a tip doesn't necessarily have to be money." He smirks.

"You are disgusting, you know that?" She says, unamused, approaching him and standing in front of the boy. "Oh, wow. I'm hurt." He puts on a fake frown, clutching his chest.

"Funny, too." She remarks sarcastically. "I know, right? I'm hilarious." He laughs. "I'm laughing too hard, really." She sighs, lifting Mabel, and beginning their walk.

"Maybe you shouldn't be carrying her so much. She's gotta get some exercise." Tyler comments. "I fear hearing your voice will be too unbearable for her and she'll run away." Taya responds.

"Nah, I bet Mabel loves me." Tyler bends down to the dog's level, which is only a little since she's in Taya's arms.

"Right, Mabel?" He smiles, though the dog groans in return. "Oh, I can hear the love." Tyler states, earning a small chuckle from Taya, which brings a smile to his own face.

"Why are you still here?" Taya reminds, turning to look at the boy. "Oh, you know. I just love your fat dog so much that I wouldn't wanna be separated from her for too long." He says.

"Hey, here's a suggestion, but can you maybe quit fat shaming my dog? Just a thought. Maybe leave me alone while you're at it." The blonde girl shrugs.

"Can't get rid of me that easy, Tay-Tay." He laughs. "Yeah. Don't call me that." She shakes her head. "Tay-Tay." He repeats.


"So, how's your day, Tay-Tay?"

"Stop it."

"Tay-Tay your dog is so fucking fat, Tay-Tay." He smiles in amusement. "Shut up!" She shouts.

"Jeez, Okay. God, why do you always have to be so uptight?" He comments. "Tay-Tay." He adds, hoping to get another reaction.

"Why do you always have to be so annoying?" She crosses her arms. "All I'm trying to do is have a nice walk with Mabel without you taking up space."

"Oh, believe me. Mabel's the one taking up all the space." He gestures towards the dog. Taya inhales deeply, shutting her eyes for a moment.

"I can not believe you."

"Believe it, baby." He smirks. "Hey, we should go out sometime." He suggests.

"Your scooter is getting stolen."
She points out. "What?" Tyler turns around, seeing someone ride off with the vehicle. "Shit! Hey! Get back here!" He screams, running after it.

Taya watches him run off, finally setting Mabel down. She laughs, looking down at her dog. "Honestly, what an idiot."

Authors note

Heyo, Sorry for the short chapter, but more soon :)

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