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"Okay, So, for this assignment, you have to write about the hardships in the—" Taya looks up from the instruction

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"Okay, So, for this assignment, you have to write about the hardships in the—" Taya looks up from the instruction. "Ty, are you listening?" She asks.

"What? Oh! Yeah, totally." He lies. "Come on, you're so out of it today. What's up with you?" She sighs, lying down on her back, looking up at him.

"Sorry, Tay. It's just that— today marks four years since my dad died, so.. I just.. I'm a little distracted." He admits. With a frown, she sits up, wrapping her arms around him.

He stiffens up at the sudden contact, before easing into the hug, burying his face in her shoulder. "You should've told me and we could have canceled today." She sighs.

"I didn't wanna cancel on seeing you." He responds. "Okay, well, how about.. we go out somewhere?" She suggests.

"Okay. Might rain today, though." He smiles.


"I actually read the whole book without zoning out. You know, before all this happened, I mean. I knew the answer to all the questions but I acted dumb so you'd have to tutor me more." Tyler confesses, while Taya takes a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

She nearly chokes on her ice cream. "You're serious?" She raises her eyebrows. "Sorry." He inhales sharply. "But I still need help with my assignment. I'm so gonna fail that." He adds.

"You're not gonna fail. Come on, you're doing super great so far." Taya shakes her head. "You really think so?" He beams. "Duh. Or you know what? I'm lying about that too just like you lied to me." She jokes, crossing her arms.

"Shut it, smart girl." He sticks out his tongue. "Oh, so wise guy's got a new nickname, doesn't he?" She laughs.

Tyler takes his ice cream cone, reaching forward to smear some of it on Taya's nose. She gasps for a moment, wiping it off with her arm.

"You are so dead, Tyler." She stands up from her seat, running after the boy, who had also gotten up and started rushing away.

"I'm top runner on the track team!" She warns. "I have longer legs!" He argues. Soon enough, Tyler stops running, watching as Taya charges toward him.

They have ran out all the way to a grassy area near the park. Just before Taya can tackle the boy down, he moves out of the way, causing her to trip on a tree root, falling down flat on her face.

She groans. "Holy shit, Taya. Are you okay?" Tyler crouches down worriedly. Just when he does, a loud clap of thunder sounds, before cold rain begins to poor down.

Taya reaches her fingers in the dirt, then sits up, smearing it on Tyler's cheeks. "Got you." She squints her eyes so the rain doesn't go in.

"Are you okay?" Tyler repeats, chuckling as he takes her hand, pulling her up so they aren't sitting in the wet dirt anymore.

"I'm fine." She assures, suddenly tripping again, falling into his arms. "Sorry. Foot fell asleep." She chuckles, getting back on her feet.

Tyler laughs, then looks up at the sky. "Damn, it's really pouring down." He comments. "Sorry, What was that? I can't hear you over this rain!" Taya shouts.

"I said it's really pouring down!" Tyler responds loudly. "I can't hear you! Come closer!" She continues.

Tyler sighs, walking closer to the girl, only for her to place her hands on his back, pulling him into a kiss. Their clothes are soaked, but they don't seem to care. They wouldn't want to let it ruin the moment.

Tyler pulls out first, taking off his jacket, and holding it above both their heads for somewhat of a cover.

"Let's go back to my place, alright?" He suggests.


They arrive at Tyler's building, running into the apartment, soaked from head to toe. "Tyler, is that you?" A woman calls out, then walks out, gasping as the two come intro view.

"Mom, this is Taya." Tyler introduces. "Hi." The blonde waves. "Oh, yes! I've heard a lot about you, Taya. Uh, Tyler, why don't you take Taya to your room and give her some clothes? You two are going to soak up the house." The woman comments.

"Okay. Come on, Tay." He nods, reaching for Taya's hand, and pulling her into his room, shutting the door.

"Nice room." She comments, studying all the band posters plastered on the wall. "Sorry it's messy." He sighs, looking through his drawer.

"The only time my room is ever clean is when you come over, so. I get it." Taya responds, chuckling. "Okay, So, Uh. These are clean." He says, handing her a T-Shirt and sweat pants. "Thanks." She smiles.

"I can go change in the bathroom, if you want." He offers. "It's okay. Just— just face the other way. I won't look." She assures. "Oh, Uh. Okay." He nods, his face bright red.

She turns around, back towards him, taking off her shirt. Realizing that she had already started, he turns around, doing the same.

As soon as they were both done changing, they turn around. "I look ridiculous." Taya comments, looking down at the oversized shirt, and the sweatpants that hang all the way down to the heels of her feet.

"You look cute." He corrects, smirking. "I feel like such a Tyler right now." She jokes. "Yeah? How's it feel?" He grins goofily. "I feel like an asshole."

"Ah, very funny, smart girl." He nudges her. "I know I am, wise guy."

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