[07] NO I DON'T

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Taya opens the door after hearing a knock, being met with Tyler, dressed in a suit

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Taya opens the door after hearing a knock, being met with Tyler, dressed in a suit. "Oh! Who's this mature young man standing at my door?" Walter asks, walking out from behind the girl.

"Oh, okay! Yeah. Very funny." He playfully rolls his eyes. "So, what's the occasion?" Taya questions. "It's nothing. It's this dumb little..." he trails off, reaching for and handing her a paper.

"I got an A!" He exclaims. Taya smiles proudly, wrapping her arms around the boy. "That's amazing!" She laughs. "All cause of you, Tay-Tay." Tyler winks.

"Good job, wise guy." Walter commends. "Come on. We're all going out." He says. "Alright, wise guy. Let me get my jacket." Walter nods, leaving the two teenagers to themselves.

"So you're dressed up because..." She squints her eyes. "It's a surprise." He explains. "Should I wear a dress?"

"Only if you want to. I mean, what you're wearing now is totally fine. You look really, Uh, you look pretty." He nods. "Okay. Thanks." She chuckles, taking the bucket hat from the hanger, and placing it on top of his curls.

"You get to wear it tonight." She offers. "Why, thank you, M'lady." He bows.


"Okay, not gonna lie. I had an ulterior motive to bring you two out here." Tyler confesses as they walk through what seems to be a dog shelter fundraiser.

"Ulterior. Good word." Walter comments. "See any that you like?" He asks, standing over a few small dogs, who are barking loudly.

Taya reaches for her boyfriend's hand, lacing their fingers together. "I like 'em all. They're all cute." Walter responds.

"Let me rephrase that. Do you see any that you wanna adopt?" Tyler explains. "I know you still miss Mabel, but maybe it's time for you to move on."

"You know, Tyler, I never wanted to adopt Mabel." Walter tells. "Really?" Tyler furrows his eyebrows. "I always thought dogs were a hassle, more trouble than they were worth. But my wife, She pestered me until I gave in. We must have looked at a hundred dogs before she chose Mabel." He chuckles.

Taya listens in with interest, leaning her head onto Tyler's shoulder. "This one, she said. This is our dog! She was right. Mabel made our lives just a little sweeter. So when I lost my wife, I felt like it was my job to take care of Mabel, make sure she was as spoiled as she wanted her to be. As much as I miss Mabel, the honest part about all of this is, feeling like I let my wife down." Walter sighs.

"Walter, I think she would understand. I think she would want you to be happy again." Tyler says. "Oh, I know. And I am happy, I mean, at least I'm getting there. Thanks to my wonderful granddaughter, and thanks to you." He nods to Tyler.

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