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Taya sits at the table with Walter, her glasses on while she reads one of her English books for summer reading, taking notes

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Taya sits at the table with Walter, her glasses on while she reads one of her English books for summer reading, taking notes.

She never understands why she can't just read the book for the fun of it. Why does there have to be all these layers to decode, and all these metaphors that the author probably never meant in the first place.

She hears a knock on the door, not bothering to answer. Another knock. "Tay, sweetie, can you get the door? I need to take my meds." Walter requests.

Leaving her glasses on, she stands up from her seat, and opens the door, being met with Tyler. "Those glasses make you look like a nerd." Tyler jokes, chuckling.

"Taya, who is it?" Walter calls out. "It's pizza boy!" She responds, knowing he didn't know the boy's actual name. Walter stands up, groaning. "What is it now, pizza boy?" He asks in annoyance.

"My name's Tyler. I just came to see how you're feeling." He explains. "Fine. Totally fine." Walter responds.

Tyler glances over at Taya, who shrugs. "I'm alright, I guess." She nods. "And Mabel?"

"I wish I knew." Walter sighs in disappointment. Taya leans into the man's side, hugging his arm.

"I'm really sorry." Tyler apologizes. "I ought to call that pizza place and tell them not to hire twelve year olds." Walter says angrily. "I was born in 2002, okay? I'm sixteen. Just like Taya. I said I was sorry." The boy corrects.

"Okay. Why are you here?" Taya speaks up. "I wanna help you find your dog." He responds.


"First we plaster this bad boy all around the city, then we take it to shelters and rescues." Tyler states, looking down at a missing dog Flyer.

"Come on. Hop on." He says, sitting on his scooter. "Are you out of your mind?" Walter comments. "It can fit more than two people." Tyler shrugs.

"I think he means he's not getting on the scooter." Taya crosses her arms. "Jeez, okay. I see now where you get the stubbornness from. What do you suggest we do?" Tyler questions.

"You got a license?" Walter asks. "Learners permit, why?" Tyler nods. Walter nods his head over, leading the two teenagers to the garage, where he reveals his old, bright and yellow car.

"Oh, look! You got a baby transformer!" Tyler exclaims. "Wise guy." Walter rolls his eyes. "Taya, you got the backseat." Walter instructs.

She sighs, opening the car door, and taking a seat in the back. Tyler rushes in while Walter takes his time to enter the car. "You realize you still have your glasses on, right?" Tyler grins goofily to the girl behind him as Walter continues to make his way to the car.

"Do you have an issue with that?" She raises her eyebrows. "No, I just— I'm saying." He shrugs. "I'm just not wearing my contacts, so." She adds.

"Okay, let's go." Walter says as he finally takes his seat.

Tyler nods, starting the ignition, and setting off. "Slow down! I don't want to get arrested for letting a toddler drive my car." Walter orders.

"I told you I have my learners' permit. This is totally legal." Tyler assures. "So where do you want me to put these?" Walter questions, looking down at the flyers.

"Oh, just in my backpack. That would be great." Tyler responds. When reaching in the boy's backpack, Walter finds an interesting book.

"Ah, Pizza boy reads! I take it this is assigned reading?" Walter turns to the boy. "Yeah, Yeah. For summer school." Tyler nods.

"You go to summer school?" Taya questions. "Yeah. That's what I just said." He responds.

"A man who has gone through bitter experiences and travels far, enjoys even his sufferings after time." Walter says, remembering the book.

"Definitely suffering through that book." Tyler remarks, causing Taya to let out a soft laugh, which brings a smile to his face.

"My teacher, Mr. Chapman, suggested that I should get, Uh, some tutoring but my mom says we don't have the money." He sighs.

"Oh, well, I've got your solution right here." Walter turns to look back at his granddaughter. "Taya here is top in her class. She'd be glad to tutor you." Walter smiles.

"I would?" The blonde furrows her eyebrows. "I would try to tutor you myself, but, I'm afraid I've forgotten all I know." Walter sighs.

"For many years, I was an English professor at UCLA. It's where I met my wife." Walter states. "Oh, cool." Tyler smiles.

"She still teach there?" He asks. "No. She passed two years ago this November." Walter shakes his head. "Oh. I'm so sorry." Tyler sighs.

"This was her car, you know." Walter tells. "Ah! Of course! I didn't think you really picked this bad boy out." Tyler jokes, even causing Taya to laugh a bit.

"She was a great teacher. Told me a lot." Walter concludes. "My dad died when I was twelve, so.. I totally get it." Tyler says.

"There's a lot of times I wish he were still here, you know? To give me advice and stuff." He adds sadly. "Maybe, Uh, I'd ask him how to suggest to someone that they should get a new car. Maybe one that's not yellow." He smirks.

"And I might ask him if he told his son to be a wise guy or does it just come naturally?" Walter replies.

With a sigh, Taya decides to speak up. "I can tutor you, Tyler." She gives in. "Yeah, that— that would be amazing but, uh, I don't have the money to do that." Tyler declines.

"No money. I mean, I get it. I lost both my parents when I was thirteen, so... I just wanna help, that's all." She explains. "You sure?" Tyler questions.

"Yeah." She nods. "Thank you." Tyler grins, hoping the redness of his cheeks isn't visible. "Tay-Tay." He adds. "Oh, please. Just stop." She shakes her head, hiding her face in the palms of her hands.

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