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The next afternoon, it is, of course, time for another walk with Mabel, but now Walter has decided to join Taya

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The next afternoon, it is, of course, time for another walk with Mabel, but now Walter has decided to join Taya.

"You know that won't fit, right?" Taya comments as he attempts to buckle the harness. "Always worth a try." He shrugs, though soon realizes that it wasn't going to work.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go without." He smiles up at his granddaughter. The three of them walk out together. The sun is shining brightly on this hot summer afternoon, forcing Taya to squint her eyes whenever the sun would block her vision.

"How far you think we can go before we go back home, huh?" Walter comments. "Hey, if you get too tired, I can always continue with Mabel." Taya offers kindly.

"I think I can go a little bit. I'll be alright, thank you." Walter nods. "Mr. Pepperoni!" A voice calls out.

"Your dog's still fat!" Tyler shouts. "And you're still annoying! I see you got your scooter back." Taya realizes.

"Yeah, I scared the guy away." He states, though neither of them choose to believe him. "Wise guy." Walter mutters in annoyance, before glancing down at Mabel, who runs out into the road.

"Mabel!" He shouts, noticing a car make an abrupt stop, nearly hitting the dog. "Mabel—" shaken from before, Walter clutches his heart, falling down to the sidewalk.

"Grandpa!" Taya quickly bends down. "Sir, are you okay?" Tyler runs up, crouching down beside the blonde. "It's gonna be fine." He assures.

"Mabel." Walter groans. "Hey, I'll call an ambulance, okay?" Taya quickly reaches for her phone while Tyler continues to comfort the man.


"Good news, he's going to be just fine, all you have to do is make sure he stays off of his feet for a little while. We're just gonna keep him here for the night." The nurse informs Taya, who sighs in relief.

"Sorry."  Taya glances over at the curly headed boy sat beside her, who had just spoken up. "Sorry for what?" She asks. "I probably am what caused Mabel to run off and for your grandpa to get a heart attack, so.. I'm apologizing." He explains.

"Okay.... Uh. Yeah. I forgive you, I guess?" She sighs. "I still don't know where Mabel ran off to."

"I'm sure she'll turn up, right? I mean, might take a year or two cause she's not only fat, but she's super slow, but.. she'll turn up." He jokes.

"You are not helping your case, Tyler." She comments. "It's the truth, what can I say, Tay-Tay?" He shrugs. "Remind me why you're still here?" She questions.

"Well, Uh, figured at some point you'd realize you don't have a ride home." He raises his eyebrows. "I have a ride hom—" she pauses, then sighs. "I mean, old guy is staying here overnight.. and.. he's gonna get driven home tomorrow, but... however are you going to get home? Hmm?" He places his hand on his chin, pretending to think.

"Maybe a particular boy with a scooter that knows your address since he delivers pizza to your house every week?" He smiles innocently. "I am not getting on that dumb scooter." She refuses.

"Fine. Your loss, then. I'm off on my way home." He shrugs, slowly standing up from his seat, and walking out.

"I don't need a ride home from some dumb guy on a dumb scooter with his dumb hair and his dumb face." Taya mumbles to herself. "I barely even know him."

She huffs, crossing her arms. She pauses for another moment, then sighs, standing up, and running out. She doesn't want to admit it, but a ride home now is exactly what she needs, seeing as it is already dark out.

"Hey, knew you'd come to your senses." Tyler comments as soon as she walks out. "Yeah, Yeah. This is a one time thing." She rolls her eyes, taking the helmet he hands her, and strapping it on her head.

"You look cute in a helmet." He comments, sending her a goofy grin. "Shut it, loverboy, and drive me home." She responds, unamused.

"Could be a little nicer, but okay, grumpy." He mumbles. Taya sighs, sitting down behind him, gripping his shoulders tightly.

"You know, never thought Taya Gray would ever even touch me." He speaks. "Just drive." She nudges him.

"As you wish." He smiles.


"Here we are, el casa de la Taya Gray." Tyler tells. Taya eagerly jumps off the scooter, then begins her way to the house, before pausing, feeling his gaze lingering on her.

She slowly turns around. "Thanks, Tyler, for taking me home." She nods. "A tip would be nice." He beams.

"Nice try." She sends him a fake smile. The skies are dark now, the moon almost at its fullest, though not quite yet. "Worth a shot." He winks. "Maybe some other day, Tay-Tay."

"Or maybe never, Tyler." She responds. "Well, night, Tay-Tay." He salutes her while she stands on her porch.

"Don't call me that. Goodnight." She responds, waving him goodbye as she enters the house, silently shutting the door.

"So close." Tyler whispers to himself, then chuckles, riding away.

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