Blue smoke

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Mikey's POV

Swinging my kusarigama chains, I encircled six kraang bots.
I kneeled down letting Leo jump on my shell then spring into the midst of the enemy, slicing them into onion rings (bad example, I know).

We were attacking one of the kraang bases, we'd discovered in an old car factory.
I'm not exactly sure why it was here, I wasn't really listening to Leo's 'pre-battle' speech.

What I do know is that it was something to do with a weapon.

I dangerous weapon.

And we have to destroy it.

So I guess I was listening.
I think....

Get you're head in the game Mikey! I told myself as I leapt out of the way as a laser from one of the kraang guns came shooting towards me.

One of those triangle portals opened up in the middle of the room.

Eight more kraang droids emerged, supporting a large crate between them.

'Mikey!' Donnie yelled 'get to the package!'

'You got it D!' I yelled as I ninjard my way to the robot procession.

I landed on top of the techy crate thing.
Easy peasy squeezy lemons.

'Um Don!' I called urgently 'what do I do now'

If he had the opportunity to face palm I'm sure he would have, but when one is surrounded by brain robots it is unusual to have such a luxury.

'Destroy it shell-for-brains!' Raph hollered from the other side of the room.

'My specialty' I said gleefully, shoving the small, activated bomb (recently given to each of by Donnie) through one of the crack in the crate before leaping away.
20 seconds till total rad destruction.

'Cmon team! Let's move!' Leo ordered
We raced to the nearest, least kraangy exit.
It was one of those electronic doors.

Sewer apples.

I know Dons got this covered and all but I'm majorly freaking out right now.
The genius fiddled and tapped feverishly.

13 seconds to a currently less appealing destruction.

'Cmon Donnie' Leo encouraged.

'I'm trying!!' He yelped, stress present in his voice.

7 seconds.

Ok this whole total rad destruction is getting less rad by the second, literally.

The door opened with a ding, revealing I twisting flight of stairs. We scrambled up as fast as turtley possible.

KABOOM (or whatever sound explosions make)

The stair case shuddered and we were engulfed by a cloud of thick electric blue smoke that burnt my lungs and eyes.Bits of the ceiling started to crumble.
The building was falling apart.

The four of us, eyes streaming from the smoke, raced up and up and up finally reaching the roof top door.

There was no time to catch our breath.
We leapt clear of the collapsing building, and only stopped running when we were back in the sewer.
Well actually we couldn't keep running.
We were super fit yet we were all bent double gasping for breath.

'I think this might have had something to do with that crazy ass smoke' I wheezed

'No kidding' Raph groaned clutching his side.

I slumped against the tunnel wall, my breathing shallow.

'We....have' Leo stammered between gasps

'Need help' Donnie whispered as his eyes closed.

I slowly reached for my t-phone, pressing the 'help!' button that alerts the others.

Thank you Donnie for installing that.

My fingers quivered as I tried to put my
t-phone back where it was kept on my belt but I physically couldn't.

My body was on fire.

'Raph' I breathed 'it....hurts'



The first chapter hath been completed!
Hope you enjoy!
Vote! Comment! Don't breathe in toxic blue smoke!
Until next time!

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