Why the lunch ladies hate our guts

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Leo's POV

We found ourselves running through the maze of halls that made up the school, though truth be told I wasn't sure what we were hoping to achieve.

'Well these two know how to ruin a perfectly decent day' Donnie panted to my right.

'Agreed' Raph growled, 'what's the plan fearless'

'Plan?' I asked, I was too tired for this shit 'run'

'That's fair' Mikey replied

Thinking on your feet is rather difficult, especially when your feet are the only thing keeping you away from two angry mutants.

We rounded yet another bend, only to find ourselves bursting into the empty cafeteria.

The four of us got into our fighting stances, facing our foes.

'No where to run now turtles' Xever drawled

'Good' Raph grinned twirling his sais he'd pulled from who knows where,

'What the shell Raph!' I went to scold him 'we're not supposed...'

'Look Leo I really don't know why you're complaining' he sighed before leaping into action.

I rolled my eyes, instead glancing at the others, we had to move fast.

'weapons' I said

'I'm set' Mikey said

'Did you seriously also..'

'Stapler!' He said proudly,

Where did he...? doesn't matter

'Suffer the consequences, cmon Donnie'

There were a surprising amount of things that could be used a weapon for a school cafeteria.

I reached over the counter and grabbed a tray tipping its contents all over the tiled floor, then ran to join the fray.

I leapt onto a table, dodging Rahzar as he turned the wooden bench seat into kindling with his fists.

I took my chance to hit him over the head with the metal tray.

The blow didn't pack as much of a punch as I'd been hoping for.

His next attack found its mark, and I was sent flying across the room into the kitchenette.
I hit the floor hard, crying out as I heard something inside me crack.

The way things were going, April would be planning our funeral as soon as she got home from school.

I used the cupboard handles to pull myself up.

The over grown wolf was advancing and I didn't have a weapon.


I yanked open the draws.


Donnie's POV

The lockdown alarms blared, and the students who had been skipping class could be seen from the window as they sprinted across the lawns.

Raph had gone to hep Leo with Rahzar when we saw him being thrown across the cafeteria.

I was left with Mikey who was still sold on the stapler gun idea.
The annoying part was that it actually worked.

Xever hissed in annoyance as more staples lodged in his scaly skin.

'EAT MY STAPLER FURY!!' Mikey screamed, this time throwing the entire staple gun at Fishface.

It hit him in the back of the head, causing enough of a distraction for me to land i good hard kick in his fishy guts.

Xever bent double clutching his stomach when Mikey broke a lunch tray over his skull.

Now that all immediate threats had been neutralised, Mikey and I ran to check on the others.

We peered into the disheveled kitchen.

'You guys good?' Mikey asked

Both Leo and Raph were still catching their breath, standing over an unconscious Rahzar.

The numerous knifes sticking out of the dark flesh glinted in the fluorescent light.

'We're..o-ok' Leo assured

'No, you aren't' Raph barked, then turned to us 'He took that fall pretty hard, he can barely managed to stand on his own'

'I'm fine-' Leo seemed to jinx himself as he was cut off by a painful sounding cough.

'We've gotta get you back to the lair' I said, taking charge 'Raph, lift him over'

It took a little longer than normal, what with Leo's pained gasps and the cash register and condiments getting in the way.

When we finally sat the eldest down, he looked like he was going to be sick from the strain.

'My best guess would be a fractured rib' I mumbled, tilting Leo's head up and checking his pupils 'definitely a concussion'

'Let's get outta here' Mikey pressured, eyes flitting around nervously 'we're being watched'

It was now that we realised we'd had a live audience and camera crew. I spotted about six students in total, phones raised, peering in through the windows or the slightly open double doors on the opposite side of the room.

This wasn't gonna be an easy one to explain to the principal.


Ha principals am I right?
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