Chapter 6

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Kaden seethed in his splintered wooden seat next to Slate. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Mrs. Shaw was irate. Her hair seemed to have been eletrocuted, frizzing out from both the humidity and her nerves. Slate couldn't help sympathize, though for entirely different reasons. "What the hell is he doing?" Kaden said quietly through tense lips. "Is he trying to get her killed?"

Slate chewed his nails nervously and shot a look at his friend from the side of his eyes. He didn't blame Kaden. The Faoladh usually had more self-restraint. Donovan should've had better control of his temper, especially considering their recently-arrived company.

Just the other day they'd spotted the two vampires in the hallway. Standing behind a make-shift partition the school was using in their crowded cafeteria, they'd saw them lurking about, sniffing out prey. The tall one, Drexel his name was, had been busy getting to know a pretty hispanic girl with cocoa brown eyes as addictive as the bean they mimicked. She possesed an ethereal beauty that Slate had been crushing on for weeks. It'd made him sick to think of her in the arms of the scum that was only out for one thing: blood. Not telling Kaden, Slate'd intervened on her behalf.

He shouldn't have; not with everything they were already facing. Slate couldn't help himself, though. It was why he'd pulled the fire alarm lever on the wall. Half-afraid it wouldn't even work, as the thing was full of grime and an unknown sticky residue, Slate yanked on it hard, breaking the vampire's trance as the alarms screamed within the building. It'd sent the young woman running, safe from the vampire's clutches.

At the time, Kaden had been lost in his own head. He'd never picked up on what'd been going on or why Slate had sounded the alarm. Kaden just assumed it was a fire drill and shuffled out of the building with the rest of the student body.

Slate had kept his little act a secret. Watching Donovan leave, Eamon Richards not far behind, Slate began to worry.

If Nora's Faoladh had developed feelings for her, things had just gotten a lot more complicated.
*Solsditir. (2015). Faoladh: Werewolves of Ireland. Web Search 7 June 2020. Website:

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