Lets party bitches

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Ondreaz point of view
We climbed down from the treehouse and organized the party

It wasn't huge but it wasn't small, a lot of the seniors from our high school were coming, most of them in fact, we told everyone they had a plus one, and if the wanted to have someone more to just ask and let us know

We texted everyone the address, drove to the store and grabbed some random snack shit for the bar, and went around the house packing away the fragile shit

We put the stuff we bought on the bar counter and that's when she said that Maybe we should lock up the garage with her dads cars in it, and keep the key safe, I agreed and we walked into the garage where her Jeep was parked, and two Lambos, a Ferrari and a fricken merc

"Why tf do you choose a Jeep over a Ferrari, a Lambo or a merc" I asked

She just laughed

We locked up the garage and put all the car keys in a locked cupboard, and put that key in a little box in her room, which we locked the door of because she didn't exactly want people in there, jadens room was free range though.

We were ready, hot tubs were on and warm, but nobody knew about the one at the end of the garden

And the big ass pool had the lights on, we turned on the speakers outside and just shuffled the playlist

The bar was stocked and we were excited

"Lexi is coming" she said, looking at a text on her phone.

"Sweet, so is tony" I said

Lexi was the first person to arrive , her mom driving her.

She went and chilled on the couch as more and more people arrived, drinks were being handed out and the party kicked off

As we got into it we realized that a lot of people we hadn't invited came

We didn't care, this was gonna get to become a wild party and we were ok with that. That's when I kinda lost grace in the crowd

I was partying outside with a whole bunch of people and wasn't really drunk, I had decided to not get wasted tonight.

"LETS PARTY BITCHES" I heard someone scream
I laughed and  went to grab a water from the kitchen and I found her in there, sipping her beer

She was drunk, very drunk

Shit, she must have had a lot to drink.
"Ondreaz" she said turning to me grinning like nobody's business

I looked at her with concern
"You're drunk grace" I said
"Oh I know"
She slammed her lips into mine like they needed it so badly, like she was dying and only a kiss could save her

She smelt of alcohol, but her strawberry Nutella sent was still there, faint, but there

I didn't really resist for a while, it was a hot, urgent kiss, and I enjoyed it

When we finally pulled away her lips were swollen.

I smiled and walked her to the couch.

"Stay here, I'm going to get you some water" is said walking away

I grabbed a glass, some ice and poured some water.
When I walked back to the couch she wasn't there

That's when I thought that maybe she had gone to her room. I was walking towards the front of the house, the music now just a dull background noise.

I got to the staircase and started walking up when I heard the sound of someone kissing quick vigorously around the other side of the staircase, I walked around to find Hunter holding grace against a wall and forcefully kissing her, she was not happy but was too drunk to do anything, he had his hands moving all over her body, from her waist to her ass and all around, she was pushing his chest away, but was too weak from the alcohol

I ran in between them and grabbed Hunter by his collar, pushing him up against the staircase, his feet dangling just above the ground

"Leave" I whispered, angry "and don't touch her ever again"

I was furious, not only with Hunter but with myself for not keeping her safe

She needed to detox

He walked out the front door and I grabbed her hand

Walking down to the hot tub at the end of the garden, we stripped into our costumes under our clothes, I mean I just wore a shirt but she wore her plain black bikini under her clothes

We got in and I gave her some water, she got sober fairly quickly and I decided to not tell her about this whole hunter situation.

It was around midnight and we went up to the house to let people out because they were mostly leaving now

At around 1:30 am we called  lexi an Uber and kicked her out.

I was grabbing my stuff and walking towards the door to leave when she grabbed my hand

"leaving without giving me a hug goodbye" she pouted.

I laughed and gave her a hug

"I wish you didn't have to leave" she whispered In My ear

"I've got to get tony home"

"He can sleep in jadens room..." she whispered, "just send your parents a message they can read when they get up"

"Fine" I said
I have to admit there thought of spending the night with grace was a good one

I let go and told tony what we were gonna do

He was totally and utterly wasted and we had to drag him to the bed, where he promptly fell asleep. We started walking to her room

I stopped

"Let's got to the treehouse" I said

"Yes" she said grinning

We walked down the garden and climbed up into the treehouse

We went to the loft and we both flopped down beside each other, we lay there for a minute before she turned on her side, put her head on my chest and her arm around me.

I cuddled up to her too and we fell asleep

Best night ever ❤️

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