The Playhouse Adventures Part 4

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Author's Note - This is the last playhouse adventures chapter. 

Alaina's POV

"Ok you go in the first tunnel and I'll go in the second tunnel." I told Addison. She nodded and ran through the second tunnel while I ran through the first one. I had a feeling I wasn't going to get far before Aiden found me and well, I was right. While I was admiring the tunnels, I heard "You do know I'm right behind you right?" I turned around to see Aiden smirking down on me. "What the heck? That was fast!" I said and he chuckled. "You're not even trying to run at this point." Aiden said and I laughed, knowing he's speaking the truth. This weekend has been exhausting. "We're not getting revenge anymore but I still want to show you the surprise at the end of the tunnel." He said, taking my hand in his and waking me through the rest of the tunnel. When we got to the end, we were met with a huge room that had windows for walls with sunlight pouring through the windows. The actual room just had a few bean bags and a couch but it was beautiful. "This is the sunlight room." Aiden said. "I used to come in here all the time as a kid when I had a bad day." He said. "Sunlight helps you get through bad days?" I asked as I walked to sit on the couch.. "It used to brighten up my day just sitting in a bright room and it sometimes still does but I don't really need it anymore." He said, smirking, sitting next to me and looking at me adoringly. I blushed at the way he was looking at me, looked away, and asked "You don't need it anymore?" "Something, well someone else always brightens up my day way more that sunlight ever used to." He said. I knew better than to look at him while I blushed at his comment. I didn't say anything because what he said made me feel all mushy inside and I was at a loss for words. "You're not going to ask me who it is that brightens my day?" He asked, using his hand to tilt up my head so I was looking at him. I blushed more before saying "Fine Aiden. Who brightens your day?" I asked, rolling my eyes. He smirked and said "Ryder." My face dropped. He started laughing before he grabbed me and had me sit in his lap while he squeeze my sides. I immediately started giggling and he said "Of course it's you silly." He said. "That giggle alone is enough to brighten up my day for years." He said as he finally stopped tickling me. I blushed and said "Really?" "Alaina, just thinking about you at work makes me smile like an idiot." He admitted and I smiled. "Whenever I think about you, I smile, blush, get butterflies, basically every feeling you can have for someone, I feel it." I admitted "Really?" Aiden said. Then, something very unexpected happened. "Are you blushing?!" I squealed and he looked away from me. "Oh my gosh you're blushing!" I exclaimed, moving my face to where he moved his face. "You look so cute!" I squealed, pinching his cheeks. "Stop Alaina! I can't be seen blushing for this long." He groaned, closing his eyes so he doesn't have to look at me. "Are you serious? You make me blush nonstop for hours! It's been 30 seconds." I said and he chuckled. I saw his blush calming down so I started kissing his cheek, hoping it would make him blush more. And it did. "Alaina!" He said, trying to stay serious but not being able to hold back his laughter. "Don't stop blushing!" I said in between kisses. Then, he quickly moved his head so that his lips would touch mine and kissed me. I melted into the kiss and he did too. He pulled away from the kiss and started kissing me continuously on my neck, causing me to giggle and blush. "Now it's your turn to blush." He said. 

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