Christmas Getaway Part 4

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So the plan was to wake up and run out of our bedrooms without saying a word to out boyfriends/husbands/fiances. Then we would hide in the backyard until they all came out to look for us. When they did, we would attack them with hundreds of water balloons. So  far, everything has gone has plan. However, this really wasn't the part we were worried about. We were worried about the escape plan. 

Our escape plan was to pretend like we have no more water balloons left, wait for them to get really close, start attacking them again, and then run past them. However, I think we all know that there is a 50% chance that we're going to make it out alive. 

"Ready?" My mom asked. We were all still laughing out heads off and attacking the boys and we still have a bunch of balloons left to throw but we nodded as Mia pretended to throw the last one. The boys looked livid! "Awww are you boys upset?" My mom teased and we all laughed. "How did you all get so wet?" I teased also and we all laughed so more. "Yeah, don't come near us with your wet clothes please and thank you." Tanya added. And then, as if they planned it, they all said our names at exactly the same time. Aiden said mine. "Alaina!" He exclaimed, using his hands to wipe some of the water off of his face. I could help but giggle. "You're so dead." He said as they all started running towards us. Even though we had a plan, I started panicking. "Aiden please! We had to get you guys back!" I giggled as he approached. "I understand princess. Because now I have to get you back." he said. Right before he grabbed me, I started throwing more water balloons at him. "Alaina!" He yelled at me, not being able to hold back his laughter. "Take that you tickle monster." I said, throwing my last one and then running past him before he realized I ran out. 

I still can't believe that worked. However, we didn't really think about what we would do if we actually made it past that point. 

In other words, we're screwed. 

 "GET THEM!" I think Dylan's dad yelled as all of us ran back into the house. "Ugh, they're going to track water all over the house." My mom complained. "Seriously mom? We have bigger fish to fry!" Mia said as we all ran upstairs. They were literally on our tail. My mom made it to the game room and held the door open for all of us to enter. "Hurry!" She yelled as we all ran in. She quickly slammed the door just as the boys  made it to the door. "YES!" We all exclaimed, high-fiving each other. "Unless you all plan on living in the game room," We heard someone say "You're all fried." 


"This is bad. This is really really bad." I said as I paced around the room. "Alaina chill. Didn't it at least feel good to get revenge on the boys for once?" Mia said. "Coming from the girl that gets revenge on her boyfriend like it's a some kind of sport or something." I said. "Girls, I'm pretty sure we have bigger problems without you two bickering over there." My mom said. "We literally just started an all out war against the boys. And it's looking like we're going to lose terribly." Dylan's older sister, Tanya said. The hype of the victory has vanished because now we all don't know what to do. We can literally hear the boys whispering and plotting their revenge against us. We can't hear what they're actually planning though. Just bits and pieces. "What if we just open the door and kick all of them in the nuts?" Tanya said. "Yeah cause that will make them way less angry. Good plan." Dylan's mom said sarcastically and Tanya shrugged. Wait, making them less angry? We can do that! "That's it!" I said and they all looked at me weird. "We're not kicking them in the nuts Alaina!" My mom said. "No of course not. But the part about making them less angry, we can definitely do that." I whispered so the boys don't overhear. "What do you mean?"

After I explained what to do, we all executed part 1 of my plan. Complete surrender. 

 "AH!" I screamed as he picked me up and dug his fingers into my hips. "So let me list the reasons why this is going to be a very ticklish day for you." Aiden whispered into my neck, only making me giggle more. "First, you lied to me last night when you said you went for a walk." He said, carrying me to our room while still tickling me. The fact that his fingers were still cold and wet from the water balloons made everything tickle even more. "Second, you ignored me this morning and nearly scared me half to death by running out of the room." He said as we got to the room and closed the door. "Third, you pelted me with millions of water balloons." He said, tossing me on the bed. "Aiden please!" I giggled as he sat on me. "But worst of all, you didn't even want to give me the honor of hearing that beautiful giggle of yours after you did all of that to me." He pouted. "Ew Aiden! You're all wet!" I whined. "Oh really?" He asked as he shook his wet hair in my face. "I wonder why!" He said, starting to dig his fingers into my thighs. "Aiden! Wait! I have a proposition!" I squealed and he stopped tickling me. "Really? You're going to hear me out?" I smiled hopefully. "I'm still going to tickle you a lot Alaina." He smirked at me, making me blush. "I just think it's adorable watching you try to get out of it. So proceed." He said, continuing to smirk his head off at me. I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the smirk, before saying "Can we cuddle?" I asked with a pouting face. Aiden's smirk immediately dropped. "What?" "I really feel like cuddling with you Aiden. And you can tickle me while you do. I'll still try to get away though." I giggled nervously. "You want to cuddle with me while I'm in wet clothes?" He asked, softly stroking my sides I'm assuming just to hear my laughter. "No, you can go change and come back to cuddle with me. We're not supposed to do decorations and stuff until later in the day so we can just lay here cuddling while you tease me. I just want to cuddle." I said and he started to smile. "How did you do that?" Aiden asked. I frowned and asked "Do what?" "I was so mad at you just five seconds ago for attacking me with all of those water balloons and now all of a sudden, all I want to do is kiss you over and over again." He said and I blushed. "Go change first before you do." I said. 

Aiden went in the restroom to go and change before returning to me. I bet you're wondering what just happened. I figured that one of Aiden's weaknesses is cuddles so that if I ask him to cuddle, it would make him tickle me a little less. Granted, I'm still going to get tickled but I like how he tickles me when we cuddle. It's way more adorable. 

But don't tell him that. 

Aiden comes back into the room, smirks at me, and hops on top of me, making me laugh at his childishness. "This is not what I meant by cuddling Aiden." I laughed. He put his head in my neck and mumbled something. The vibrations made me laugh and try to push him away but he wrapped his arms around me and continued saying things into my neck. "Aiden I don't know what you're saying! Stop!" I giggled. He came up and looked at me with a smile. "I'll stop when you guess what I'm saying." He said before going back and continuing. "Aiden it tickles!" I giggled but that didn't make him stop at all. "Do you know what I said?" He said, coming back up again with a smirk. "Um..." I said, trying to think. "I like your giggle?" I guessed and he smirked shaking his head before going back to my neck. "Wait wait!" I begged and he chuckled but waited to see what I would say. "Merry Christmas?" I guessed again. "Are you just guessing random phrases?" Aiden said, squeezing my sides. "Your mumbles tickle! How am I supposed to guess and giggle at the same time?" I laughed. "Guess and giggle. That's what we can call this game." Aiden says and I roll my eyes at him. "You're so cheesy." I told him. "And you love it. Now guess what I'm saying." he said as he goes back to mumbling. 

This time I hear it and blush. 

"I love you too." I smiled as he comes out of mumbling in my neck. "Took you long enough to hear it." He said as he gave me a kiss. He pulls away and says "But that doesn't change the fact that what you did today was pure evil!" He says before attacking my sides. 


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