Where Are Your Parents?

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A/N - Hey guys! For reference, this happened after the winter getaway and after the proposal. New characters introduced! I hope you all like this chapter!

"What's your biggest fear for when we get married?" I asked Aiden. We were taking a walk to the park just to get some fresh air. "Not being able to make you laugh anymore." He says without hesitation. "Is that even possible?" I smiled at him but he looked serious. "I don't want you to not think I'm funny anymore or get tired of me one day. That's a big fear for me." He said. "Aiden, I promise you have nothing to worry about. I could never get tired of you. You're my best friend." I told him honestly and he smiles down at me, starting to blush. "I MADE YOU BLUSH!" I exclaim and giggle and he smirks at me. "My turn to make you blush then." He says. "No no no!" I giggle, running away from him and towards the park. I look behind me and he's literally about to grab me when I feel myself bump into someone and we all fall. I look at who I bumped into and it's a little boy who's maybe 4 years old. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" I told him as I helped him up. "It's otay." He says in a cute little baby voice. "Are you okay little man?" Aiden asked him. "I have a question." The little boy says, ignoring Aiden's question. I frown but ask "What's your question?" "Do you have any food? My brother's and I are hungry." 

What the hell? 

"Sweetie, where are your brothers?" I asked and he takes my hand in his, leading us to some bushes. Behind the bushes we find 4 other boys. 2 of them look like 6 year old twins and two of them look like 3 year old twins. "Jasper, you weren't supposed to tell anyone anything. Just go play." One of the 6 year olds whispered. The 3 year olds look like they were trying to sleep but struggling to do so. The 6 year olds looked exhausted and they all look really really dirty. I could tell that these kids have been through so much. I looked at Aiden for conformation and he nodded before I said "Hey do you guys want to go get some McDonalds?" "Yes please! Can we go?" the 4 year old said with excitement, looking at his older brothers for conformation. The two 6 year olds looked hesitant and I said "I promise I won't let you anything happen to any of you. But you need to eat." Thats when they finally nodded. 

I picked up one of the 3 year olds while Aiden picked up the other one. We walked back to the house first and Aiden quickly got the car keys so we could drive to the nearest McDonalds. "Why are you guys being nice to us? You don't know us." One of the 6 year olds asked. "We don't have to know people before we're nice to them." Aiden said and I agreed. "By the way, my name is Alaina and this is my fiance Aiden. What are your names?" I asked. "I'm Daniel. My twin brother is Michael. The one you met first is Jasper and the two youngest are Caleb and Joshua." One of the 6 year olds said. They're all absolutely adorable. The two oldest have brown curly hair while the 3 younger ones have black curly hair. However, they all have hazel eyes and a mixed skin tone. And both sets of twins are identical. "I'm glad I got to meet all of you. I promise we're here to help and nothing else." I told them. "I'm hungry." Caleb said just was we pulled into McDonalds. "Well then lets get something to eat." 

I allowed the kids to get anything they want from the menu. They were all starving. It was really sad to watch them eat so desperately at such a young age. After we finished, we decided to take them to the mall and get them some new clothes so they could shower at our house and change into something clean. 

When we got back to our house, they all took turns taking a shower while Aiden and I deliberated on what we should do. The two oldest went first so that we could have time to think of a plan before helping the younger kids with their showers. "I wonder what happened to them." Aiden said. "They don't deserve this. No one does." I said, getting emotional thinking about what these kids must have gone through. As I watched Caleb, Joshua, and Jasper play around with each other, I had the craziest idea I've ever had. "Aiden," I said, looking at him with hopeful eyes. "If we drop these kids off with foster care, they will get separated." I told him and he nodded, agreeing that this is true. "We can't let that happen." I said. "So what are you suggesting?" He asked. "I know we just got engaged..." I started and his eyes widened. "Alaina, you want to adopt 5 kids?" He whisper-yelled. "Hear me out. We're both doing well financially. We're about the get married. They need a home. And everything happens for a reason. Maybe they were meant to find us." I whispered to him. "I don't know Alaina." Aiden said hesitant. "You'll finally have a house full of boys." I teased him and he smiled. "We should first figure out what happened to them and what the next steps we should take are." He told me. "And then?" I asked with a smile. "And then MAYBE we can adopt the cuties." He said, making me squeal with excitement. 

We had no idea that we just found the beginnings of our family.  

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