Chapter Four

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Their kiss gave Emily a warm shiver down to her toes. Howard lifted his face and looked at Emily and smiled softly, he’d felt that shiver too. Emily smiled back at him and snuggled into Howard’s arms and rested her head on his chest. After a minute or two, Howard said,

“I think we’d better have another go at getting you a cab.”

“Umm, I suppose” Emily was not in any hurry now, but she did have a deadline to meet, so reluctantly she took her hands out of Howard’s pockets and moved round to stand at his side. Howard put his arm around Emily’s shoulder, while watching out for the next cab.

“Are you free tomorrow evening?” Howard suddenly asked.

“Sorry, I’ve got to go to a gig for work. I’m doing a review.” Emily said disappointedly.

“What about the night after then?” Howard persisted.

“Yes I’m free that night. I was just going to veg out in front of the telly” Emily replied, brightening.

“Telly on a Friday night?” Howard teased her.

“Well, staying in, is a nice change for me, as I’m often out in the evening for work.” Emily explained.

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Howard said nodding knowingly.

“I could come round your place with a takeaway? - Really push the boat out.” laughed Howard.

“Sounds good to me” Emily replied enthusiastically.

“Right, that’s a date then”. Howard agreed, hugging Emily to him and kissing her hair.

Emily looked up at Howard and kissed his cheek in return.

“Ok, it’s a date. You may need my address though.” Emily giggled.

“Yes, that could be useful” Howard grinned back.

“There’s a cab!” Emily suddenly said, waving frantically as a black cab approached them.

The cab pulled over to the kerb and Howard opened the door for Emily to get in and then got in himself.

Emily looked slightly puzzled as he hadn’t said he was going to get in with her. She thought he would be getting a lift home in the band’s chauffeur-driven car, as it was back, waiting outside, when they came out.

Howard noticed her expression. “I need to know where you live, for Friday,” Howard simply said, grinning cheekily at her.

“Aren’t you going to tell your driver?” Emily asked inclining her head in the direction of the waiting car.

“Oh shit! Howard exclaimed, “Just a minute.” Emily laughed at his forgetfulness, as he quickly jumped out and strolled over to the car. He chatted to the driver, who Emily could see was nodding and smiling. The driver then waved cheerfully at Emily and started the car up as Howard hurried back to the cab.

“Right, sorry about that Em. All sorted. Let’s get going” Howard said.

Emily gave the cabbie her address and settled into her seat. Howard reached over and took her hand in his and rested their hands on his knee. They sat, now in a comfortable silence, both thinking about the day’s events.

Howard was happy he’d asked her for that drink, even if it hadn’t solved the riddle of him recognising her. She had agreed to see him again as well which was great. This may be the start of something special, Howard hoped.

Emily couldn’t really take in all that had happened to her that day. She was very happy to be seeing Howard again and so soon, as she guessed he was very busy at the moment. She hoped he wasn’t just after a quick fling, but Emily felt he was genuine in how he’d behaved and put that thought to one side.

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