Chapter Six

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They got up from the dining table and walked over to the sofa. They sat down and Emily snuggled into Howard’s side. He put his arm around Emily and nuzzled her hair. As he did so he noticed a small enamelled box on the side table. It looked rather old and a bit battered but very similar to one he’d bought as a present for his mum’s birthday only a few weeks ago.

He asked Emily, “The box on the table. Is it a family heirloom or something?”

Emily laughed slightly, “No. The gardener for the communal area at the back of the flats found it when he was digging over the flower beds a couple of months ago. I was chatting to him about the garden a few weeks ago and he mentioned he’d found it. He showed it to me and I thought it was very pretty even though it was past its best and I asked if he wanted it. He said no, so if I wanted it, I was welcome to have it.”

Emily was curious now, “Why, is it valuable then? Are you an avid Antiques Road Show viewer” Emily smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

“No. How old do you think I am” Howard laughed and tickled her side. Emily immediately squirmed as his finger’s found their target. “Stop it!” She begged, but laughing despite herself.

Howard relented and then explained “I think it looks very like one I bought recently. That was an Edwardian trinket box from a jeweller’s that also specialises in antique enamel ware. That’s why I wondered if it was something you’d inherited.

“Oh I see” Emily nodded, “I bet yours doesn’t have treasure though?” Emily grinned mischievously.

“Treasure?” Howard was intrigued.

“Yes, look” Emily leaned over and picked up the box carefully. After a bit of tugging the box opened. Inside there was a locket and a diamond ring.

“They’re beautiful” Howard exclaimed. Indeed they were. The gold chain glistened in the light. The small heart-shaped locket had a floral design embossed on the front. The ring was deep yellow gold with a sparkling solitaire diamond. It caught the light as Emily turned it round to show Howard.

“I wonder whose they were.” Howard mused aloud. “And why were they out in the garden?”

“Maybe a broken love affair?” suggested Emily. “Perhaps the girl buried them in the garden cos her fiance run off with the maid!” She laughed, at her slightly over-romantic story.

But Howard was looking quite serious as he spoke. “Maybe you’re right? How sad, if that was true”

Aw, you old romantic, How” Emily teased.

“Less of the old, thank you! Howard suddenly seemed to snap out of his daydream and tired to tickle Emily again. But Emily dodged out of the way this time as she was still at the other end of the sofa, after putting the box back on the side table.

Emily laughed, “Oh no you don’t mister!” Wagging her finger at him.

Howard sat back and grinned at her, “Ok, no more – for now”

“What are you going to do with the jewellery then? Howard asked.

“I’m not sure, I like the box of course and I don’t want to sell the jewellery. I feel they belong together, but I don’t know if I would wear the necklace or the ring?” Emily explained.

Emily moved back over to Howard and rested her head on his chest. Howard put his arm around her and kissed her hair.

“I think whoever owned the jewellery would rather someone used it and got pleasure from it than having it gathering dust in an old box.” Howard stated, as he stroked her hair and planted another kiss on her head.

“Umm, maybe you’re right.” Emily murmured, enjoying the closeness again. She snuggled more into his chest and slowly stroked his arm, while thinking over what he’d said.

They were quiet for a while just lost in their own thoughts, when Howard said,

“Why don’t you try on the locket, see if it suits you and whether you feel comfortable wearing it?”

Emily looked up at Howard and nodded. “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

She sat up and moved back over to the side table and picked up the box. She opened the box again and lifted out the locket.

“Here Howard can you do it up for me, please? Emily asked, passing the necklace to him.

“Yes, of course, turn round a bit” Howard answered. Emily turned round as she put the chain around her neck and checked the locket was the right way around. Howard took the two ends of the chain and carefully clipped them together. He couldn’t resist kissing Emily’s bare neck. As he did so he accidentally kissed the chain too. The room suddenly went dark for a moment or two. As the lights came back on, Emily and Howard gasped in amazement…
and fear…

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