Chapter Eight

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"We're...we're back!" Emily stuttered.

Howard looked around the room. Yes, everything was back to normal... Whatever normal was? Howard thought.

"Yes we are. Did that really happen?" replied Howard, feeling totally confused.

"I don't know. I think it did!" Emily scanned the room anxiously.

They got up and went back to the sofa and sat down.

Emily started shaking.

"Hey, come here Em. It's ok, we're safe" Howard moved closer to Emily and held her close, stroking her gently to try and reassure her.

"Sorry Howard, I don't know why I'm shaking"

"Shh...It's ok, we've just had a very strange experience. I'm not surprised you're upset. Not sure, how I feel myself!" Howard answered.

They sat hugging for a few minutes. Emily stopped shaking after a while and said to Howard, "Would you mind staying here tonight? I don't think I want to be on my own after what happened."

"Of course, if you're sure? I can kip on the sofa" Howard offered.

"Thanks" Emily said, feeling very relieved. She was really scared to be on her own tonight.

"I'll get you a duvet. I've got a spare one in the hall cupboard." Emily stood up and went to get the duvet. She really wanted Howard to stay with her in her room but didn't know if he'd get the wrong idea? As all she wanted to do now was sleep and feel safe.

Howard was thinking the same. He'd rather not be on his own tonight either, specially not in this room, but didn't want Emily to think he was trying to take advantage of the situation.

He looked around the room again. It was completely normal now. What did happen tonight?

Emily came back with the bedding, including a pillow and sheets.

"Here, I'll do that" Howard suggested as Emily started to sort out the sheets.

"Ok, thanks." Emily notice the dining table still had all the things on it from dinner.

"I think I'll clear the table while you do that then" Emily said to Howard. He nodded. Emily started stacking the plates. She wanted to do something normal and try to forget the weird events of tonight.

"Well, this has certainly been one hell of an evening!" Emily thought to herself as she took the things to the kitchen.

"So you want any help?" Emily jumped.

He had finished making up the sofa and had wandered into the kitchen to see how Emily was doing.

"God Howard!" Emily exclaimed, turning round and playfully punching Howard on the arm. "Don't creep up behind me like that!"

Howard looked at Emily rather sheepishly then grinned as he encircled Emily's waist with his arms and pulled her close.

He whispered "sorry" as he lent close to her ear, then kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Ok, you're forgiven," Emily smiled up at him.

Emily returned the kiss. The kiss deepen and they started cuddling and stroking each other.

Suddenly Howard stopped and said "Right, think you'd better get to bed and I'll see if I can fit on that sofa!"

It wasn't the right time to get carried away Howard thought after their strange experience tonight.

Emily was a bit puzzled but then the penny dropped. "Ok, yeah, suppose so. I hope you can sleep alright on there."

"I've slept on smaller and stranger things" laughed Howard.

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