Chapter Five

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Emily left work on the dot of five on Friday afternoon. She hurried to the tube station and waited impatiently for the next train. She was pleased the weekend was finally here as she’d had a busy week and was excited as Howard was coming over that evening. 

He’d phoned yesterday as he’d promised. They chatted about the gig Emily had seen the previous night for work. She said he could go along to the next one if he was interested. Howard agreed as long as she went to one of his dj dates. They also discussed what takeaway they could have that night. Emily said they could go out if he wanted to, but Howard insisted a night in was fine. Emily said he could surprise her with his choice.
“Ok, I just hope you like what I get then” Howard said.
“If I don’t like it there’s beans and bread in the cupboard” Emily joked to him.
Emily offered to get some wine or beer but Howard said he’d get that as well as it was his treat.
“Ok, then I’ll get the dvd. Any idea what film?”
“I’ll let you choose as I’m getting the food and drink. No chick-flicks though!” laughed Howard.

Howard told her about his day so far. The band had been in meetings that morning to discuss the upcoming tour and that afternoon they were going to be recording a couple of radio interviews to promote the new album. 
They finished their chat with some flirty banter, with Emily vowing to find Howard’s ticklish spot, which made him roar with laugher, but refusing to explain why.

“Well. I’d better go Em. Work to do. See you tomorrow” Howard reluctantly said.
“Yeah me to.” Emily sighed. 
“See you tomorrow, about seven?” Howard asked.
“Yes, that’ll be good How. Bye, take care hun.” Emily replied.
“Bye babe, see you soon.” Howard answered.

Emily arrived home just after six. Later than normal because a train had broken down and caused a delay.
She dashed in dropping her bag on the hall table and hurriedly hung up her coat. She quickly had a shower and brushed her teeth. She’d already decided what to wear last night which saved some valuable time now. Then Emily applied her make-up and dried her hair. She decided to leave her hair down and just curl the ends to give it some style.

It was 6.45 by now. Even though they were just having a takeaway meal Emily decided to lay the table and put a couple candles as a centre piece, to give it a bit of a romantic atmosphere.

Just as Emily was checking the table was right, the buzzer sounded. Quickly checking her reflection in the mirror Emily went to let Howard in. She had a video entry phone so could see who it was. He looked good enough to eat Emily smiled to herself.

There was loud knock on the door. Emily walked out to the hall and opened the door.
“Hey Em.” Howard said as he scooped her into a tight embrace.
“Hello Howard” Emily managed to say as he also planted a firm kiss on her lips.
She kissed him back and the kiss melted into a passionate snog.

Minutes later, “Do you want to come in now? Emily laughed, they were still stood in the doorway and one of her neighbours had just passed by looking rather surprised at them.
“Yeah, I suppose we’d better. Don’t want you getting a reputation now, do we?” He said, grinning a sexy smile at Emily.
“How do you know I don’t have a reputation already? Emily teased.
Oh, so I’m dating a lady of ill-repute? Don’t know if I approve of that? Howard threw his head back as he laughed.
“I’m sure you’ll cope” Emily laughed back.
Howard smiled and then stood back to look at Emily and said, “You look beautiful tonight Em.”
“Thank you How. She said shyly. “You’re looking great too.” Emily looked up at Howard and smiled. He was wearing a fitted t-shirt under a smart casual jacket and matching trousers. He was looking so handsome tonight and he was here with her! Emily suddenly had to pinch herself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.

She suddenly felt nervous so to calm her nerves she said,
Right, where’s this dinner then? I’m starving!” as she showed Howard into the living room.
“It’s on its way. It should be here by 7.30. Howard checked his phone to confirm the time.
Do you want a coffee while we’re waiting then?” Emily asked.
“Yes, thanks.” Howard nodded.
“Do make yourself comfortable” Emily pointed to the sofa.

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