bad dream..

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TW: anxiety attack

This story isn't really angsty it's more of a character a had a bad dream and character b is there to comfort them.


(Tomura pov)

I wake up and sit up in a flash, I'm drenched in sweat my heart rate has skyrocketed and I'm struggling to breath, memories from my dream flood my mind and i feel the hot tears roll down my face, one after another.

I feel myself slip impurely and I grab my cat stuffie and burry my face into them and cry harder I just want my buba but I'm afraid to wake him up.

It seems as though he read my mind because next thing I know I hear the door crack open, I snap my head to the door tears still streaming down my face.

"Hey kitten, what happened?"
Dabi says softly as he walks into the room, closing the door behind him.

I immediately make grabby hands at him signaling for him to pick me up.
He picks me up and sets me on his chest and I cry harder, griping onto his sweater that he was currently wearing.

"Shh it's ok, it ok we can talk about what happened when you feel better ok?"

I nodded and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He sits down on the bed and holds me, rocking slightly humming an old song but I couldn't make out what it was.

I calmed down after about five minutes, I was still crying slightly but I was able to talk. He removed me from his shoulder and sets me down on the bed in front of him, I whine at the loss of contact, I look around and panic a little, I couldn't find my kitty stuffie! Dabi chuckled and grabbed something behind him then handed it to me, it was my kitty!!

I grab my stuffie and hug it, I see dabi smile and he ruffles my hair.

"So, what happened little one? Why were you so upset?"

He says lovingly but worriedly.

"I ad bad deam"
I mumble into my stuffie.

"Aww I'm sorry kitten, do you wanna talk about it?"

"Nuh uh"
I say shaking my head no.

"Alright love, will you be able to go back to sleep?"

I nod my head yes.

"Alrighty then goodnight, do you need anything? Your paci? Another blanket? A bottle?"

He says getting up.

I nod my head yes, to all of the things.

"Ok love I'll be right back, stay right there ok?"

I nod in response.

He walks around the room getting my paci, another blanket and my bottle, he brings me the blanket and my paci then says,

"I'll be right back I'm gonna go fill your bottle with some milk ok?"

In which I nod putting the paci in my mouth and wrapping the blanket around me (to the best of my abilities).

~5 minutes later~

(Dabi's pov)

I come back to shiggys room with his bottle filled with warm milk, once I'm in the room he perks up when he sees me, I chuckle and hand him his bottle.

"There you go little one, do you need anything else?"

He nods in response making grabby hands at me in the process, I think for a second then I get it, he wants cuddles.

I get in bed next to him and he immediately cuddles into me, I smile and return the gesture, wrapping an arm around his side as he snuggles into my chest.

I hand him his bottle and he drinks the warm liquid, his hands shake as he holds it, probably because of his anxiety attack earlier.

I get lost in thought for a few minutes only to be knocked out of them by tiny little snores coming from a sleeping shig, I look down at him and decided it would be best if I slept to, I close my eyes and pull shiggy closer and before I know it, I drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Heya! This is my first actual oneshot in this book! What did ya think? I'm still a bit stumped on ideas so feel free to leave suggestions in the comments!

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