all taken care of

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Warnings: small panic attack, diaper wearing (not in a kinky way!), bed wetting (accidental)

Plot: tomu wakes up with a fever and has an accident, dabi discovers this and helps take care of him, as well as clean him up.


Tomuras pov:

I wake up, sweat dripping off my forehead but I was so so cold, I was shivering, my nose was all stuffy n my throat was sore, I sniffled and noticed a wet feeling, I look down and see a big wet spot underneath me, I start to panic I wanted dada but I didn't want him to see what happened, he'd probably think I was a freak, before I know if I was sobbing, and hyperventilating.

A soft knock at the door nocked me out of my mind, I start panicking more, slipping into a deeper headspace, I did the only thing my mentally 2 year old brain could think of  "dada!!!" I screamed, continuing to sob.

In a matter of seconds dada comes bursting in, and heads over to my bed.

"What happened kitten? Are you ok?"
Dada said frantically

I tried explaining what happened but it only came out as babbling with a few sobbs here and there.

"Shh it's ok baby, come here"
He says enveloping me in a hug

"Oh baby did you have and accident?"
He says comfortingly.

I nod in embarrassment, sobs quickly falling out of my mouth.

"Shh it ok kitten, how about we get you all cleaned up?"

I nod eagerly and make grabby hands at him, he picks me up and puts me on his hip placing his hand on my cheek, his face falls at the contact.

"Little one, I think we need to take your temperature, your face feels like it's on fire!"
He says dramatically, as I giggle.

He goes to my bathroom and sets me on the toilet (lid down obviously) he starts my bath, making sure the water's not to hot or cold then he goes over to the cabinet, looks around and grabs the the fever checker thingy and lowers himself to my height.

"Alright bug, keep this in your mouth until you hear the beeps ok? I'll be right back"
He says putting it in my mouth and walking back into my room ruffling my hair on the way out.

I wait in a comfy but also uncomfy silence,

Beep beep!

The thingy beeped, it startled me, I jumped a bit n started crying, dada came in and went down to my height.

"Hey it's alright, it's ok, I'm here now"
He says as he hugs me.

"How about we get you out of those dirty clothes, huh? And into the nice warm bath?"

I nod, happily putting my arms up so he can take off my shirt.

He undresses me and places me into the bath, filled with bubbles and a few bath toys, I giggle and splash around, grabbing the bubbles and blowing them at dada as he chuckles.

>>Ten minutes later<<

Dada finishes rinsing the soap out of my hair, he picks me up and out of the bath.

I say, that being the first actual word I've said since I woke up.

"Here you go"
Dada says as he wraps a warm towel around me.

I fumble out something that sounds like a thank you and he smiles.

"C'mon kid, you might freeze to death!"
He says picking me up and bring my back into my room.
I squeal as he puts me down.

"Alright squirt, do you want a diaper or a pull up?"
He says gesturing to the pull-ups and diapers on my bed along with some PJ's.

I point to the diaper paying no attention to the new clean sheets on my bed.

"Alright kiddo, let's get you changed" he says as he starts to dry my hair.

He dries me off and changes me into a diaper and some comfy pajamas.

>>3 minutes later<<

I sit on my bed and wait for dada to come back, he comes back with a bottle of warm milk and the fever checker thingy, he gives me the bottle and sits next to me.

"Alright kid, I forgot to check your temperature last time so we gotta do it again" he says putting the thingy up to my mouth, I hesitate a little bit but I open my mouth, and put it in as I anxiously wait for the beep.

It beeps 3 seconds later and I jump slightly, dada takes it out and looks at it,

"oh man you have a fever of 102!"
He says only half jokingly.

"Looks like we're going to have to give you some medicine"

I look at him like he was wearing a possum for a hat. He chuckles and continues,

"The feel better juice" dada says smiling.

((A few minutes later))

"Nu!  Nuh uh!! Yucky!!"
I say in protest as dada tries to give me the yucky stuffs on a spoon.

"Come on tomu it'll only take a second and then you have some milk to get rid of the flavor!"
Dada says trying to reason with me.

"Nuh uh!!"

I pout and cross my arms, looking away for a few seconds before hearing dada say my name.


I turn my head and see dada holding up a spoon.

"Airplane!" Dada says as he makes the spoon into an airplane.

"Oo" I say watching it go into different twists n turns, before I know it it's in my mouth n I can taste the nasty stuff again, I stick my tongue out and whine.

"Here you go bub"
He say handing me my bottle which I happily accept and drink the warm, much more tastier liquid.

"Alright baby, let's watch some cartoons ok?"
I nod.

Dada gets up and turns on the tv n turns on my little pony, then gets my paci n my kitty stuffie then sits down next to me.

He hands me my stuff then ruffles my hair as I giggle.

I turn my attention to the tv, and snuggle into dada's side as I gently suck on my paci.

Dada wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"I wuv ou dada"
I mumble sleepily, as I rest my head on his chest.

"I love you too baby"
He says softly just as I close my eyes and drift off into a soft sleep.

(A/n) hey! Sorry for taking so long to update again! I've been working on this oneshot for like?? 2?? Weeks?? QwQ Everytime I tried to finish it I just didn't have the inspiration or I got distracted / something came up and I had to stop. This is a rather long oneshot, it's over 1000 words! Anyway I hope you like it ^^;  also lemme know if you'd like to see this oneshot from dabi's pov!

(Also maybe,,, it you wanna,,, vote and/or comment? I love it when people comment on my stories qwq)

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