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Oh how the turns have tabled..

Tigger warnings: none

Important note: Dabi has a nursery for when he's regressed and his crib is only for naps and when he falls asleep in babyspace.

~dabi's pov~

My eyes open as I awake from my nap, I sit up and rub my eyes as I yawn softly.

My eyes slowly scan the nursery in search for my buba but there's no sign of him, I look back in the crib I'm in with a pout.

I think for a second then russle around the sheets till I pull out my paci that must've fallen out when I fell asleep, I pop it into my mouth and gently suck it.

I grab my stuffed kitty and play with it for a minute of two unti my tummy growls, I whine and look around, thinking of a way to tell buba I'm awake without talking, seeing as how I'm regressed to about 8 months at the moment.

Suddenly I get an idea, I grab my plastic ball that has a honeycomb hole pattern and bell inside of it, then aggressively roll it into the floor from in between the bars of the wooden crib.

The room echoes with the jingling sound of the toy hitting the floor with a loud thud, I look towards the door impatiently as I tap my hand against my thigh in a fast rhythm.

A few seconds later I hear faint footsteps getting louder untill they stop, the door opens and my buba enters the room and heads straight for my crib.

"Good morning my beautiful baby boy, did you sleep ok?"
He says leaning over my crib.

I nod lightly and make grabby hands, silently asking for him to pick me up, he reaches into the adult sizes crib and picks me up setting me on his hip.

I giggle and wrap my arms around him, snuggling into his chest, he smiles and tucks a piece of my spikey raven colored hair behind my ear, hugging me tightly.

We stay like that for a minute till my tummy growls again, I whine and look up at buba, he looks back at me with a  soft smile.

"Is my baby hungry? How about I go make you a bottle then you can play with some of your toys, sound good?"

I nod happily.

He takes me to the living room and sets me down on the couch and heads into the kitchen, I suck on my paci contently as I kick my legs.

A few moments later buba comes back with my bottle, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap and puts the bottle up to my mouth with a soft smile, I put it in my mouth and drink the warm milk.

I finish the bottle and he sits me up and hugs me tightly, I hug back and giggle softly.

"Buba, I go pay?"

"Of course you can baby"

He replies, standing up and placing me on his hip.

I giggle as he takes me back to my room and sets me on my play mat that is littered with my toys, he ruffles my hair then sits on a chair in the corner of the nursery.

I play with my toys for a couple of hours until I feel myself slipping back into baby space, I get tomu's attention by babbling really loud, he looks at me and smiles softly as I make grabby hands at him.

"Does my baby want cuddles?"
He asks sitting up and walking over to me.

I giggle and babble as he picks me up and spins me around, he places me on his hip and walks to our room, he lays down on our bed and sets me on his chest.

I nussle into his neck and cling onto him like my life depended on it, he rubs my back in a circular motion, I close my eyes as he whispers softly in my ear.

"Goodnight puppy"


Hiya! I thought I'd do something different for this one, I'm curious as to if you guys like it?
Idk I never really seen any stories of Dabi being a regressor so I thought I'd do it myself, and I actually like how it turned out.

Please let me know what you think!

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