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Sometimes I like to take walks to work. Sometimes the day is nice enough that I decided that it would be nice to walk around and just take in everything around me.

Today's the first true day of summer and I've been thinking about taking a vacation soon. Maybe with my family or just by myself. Actually that would get kind of lonely, so maybe I'd bring someone like Olivia or Shayne.

I finally made it to the office. I walked into the parking lot and was startled by a honking horn. I turned around to see Shayne laughing in his car as he drove past me. He parked his car and got out still laughing.

"Damn it, Shayne," I said, "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," he stopped laughing and I smacked his arm.

"I hate you"

We both walked into the office to see Damien on the floor with his phone and Ian sitting on the couch beside him.

"There are so many other seats in this office. You couldn't sit in one?" He asked.

"Nope," Damien said. Ian sighed and looked over noticing us.

"Oh, hey guys," he said, "How are you doing this fine morning?"

"I'm doing just fine," Shayne walked past me and towards Damien.

"Yeah, me too," I glared at Shayne. Ian just laughed and stood up.

"Well, today we've got a lot of filming to do, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?" Ian asked.

"Yeah. What are we filming today?"

"Try Not To Laugh, A few Every Blank Evers, and I believe we're going to be reading more fanfictions later"

"I bet there's gonna be a Shartney one"

"Why wouldn't there be?"

We filmed for most of the day and afterwards I flopped down on a beanbag chair. Ian sat down on the floor next to me.

"Are you that tired?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm just taking a break is all" I said.

"Got it"

"Hey, Ian. I've been thinking of taking a bit of a vacation soon. I hope that's alright"

"Of course it is. Where are you going?"

"Not sure yet. I don't even know if I'd go alone or not"

"I wouldn't vacation alone. It gets super boring and you want to have fun on vacations"

"That's true. I guess I could take a friend with me or maybe family"

"Sounds like a better option"

"Yep. Wouldn't it be cool if the whole Smosh family took a vacation together? I'm just saying"

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool," he kinda sounded like he was thinking of something. "Well, I've got to go do something. See you later, Courtney"


He got up and walked off leaving me on the floor by myself. Where could I go if I chose to go on a vacation? Disneyland? Maybe. Camping? Probably. Ooh, maybe a beach.

"Hey, Crotchney," Shayne's voice interrupted my thoughts. "We need you in the Smosh Games room"

"Coming, Frog Boy," I got up and followed him down the hall and into the Smosh Games room. I'll do the thinking later.

Love Island - A Shourtney Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now