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I've been trying for a few days now. To tell Shayne how I feel that is. Everytime that I've tried to tell him, something got in the way. Sometimes it was an issue with friends, sometimes it was a natural issue. Either way, I never got to tell him what I wanted to. We have three more days here on this island. I need to tell him before my time runs out.

Today we decided to just chill out and stay at the hotel. We've been doing a lot of stuff lately and we decided that maybe a break was in order. And, of course, by "we" I mean Olivia and Keith who were both complaining about the heat yesterday.

I'm not saying it's a problem really. One, I get to hang out all day. Two, it'll be easier to get some alone time with Shayne so I can tell him how I feel.

I've been thinking about this too. I'm not sure what I want from this confession really. Maybe I want him to return my feelings, but at the same time I wouldn't want to ruin anything we have going. Plus, I don't know how Ian would feel about it. We've still got that rule about dating coworkers and only Ian has the authority to change it.

"Hey, Courtney," Olivia appeared behind me. "What are you doing over here? Everyone else is over in the other room"

We were in Ian's room. The others went into the room with his bed to play Monopoly. I decided against it because I didn't feel like playing. Plus, when it comes to that game it can get pretty hectic.

"I know, I just don't really feel like playing right now," I said.

"You know, I've noticed that you've been spacing out a lot lately. Is there something on your mind?"

Should I tell her?

I guess so. She is my best friend, and I can't keep this a secret from her. Especially if I'm going to tell Shayne.

"Yeah, actually. Now, don't start freaking out but...I do have some feelings for Shayne," I said. I could see her smile forming despite how much she tried to hide it. "Hey, what did I say?

"Come on, I didn't even do anything! But, is it really true? Do you like Sh-"

I covered her mouth before she could go on. She was loud enough that he would hear if she kept going.

"Yes. And don't start on that whole speech about me telling Shayne or it'll be too late. I've already thought about that and I want to tell him before we have to go home"

"You're so grown up. I'm proud. So, how are you going to do it?"

"Well, I've been trying for the past few days, but I can't seem to get to it. Not because I'm scared, but because something always happens right before I'm about to say something. It's like the universe is telling me no."

"Or maybe the universe is saying that those times weren't right. A confession of love isn't supposed to be something that just happens. You have to be in the moment"

"Hey, who said anything about love?"

"You don't love him?"

"I do, but not like....holy crap, I think I do. Why didn't you tell me!?"

I proceeded to grab her by the shoulders and shake her until she stopped me.

"To be fair, I thought you already knew that. Well, we need to get you to confess to him. I think he'll share your feelings"

"Really? You think so? Wait, no! I don't even want a relationship with him! It's not like it would be allowed anyway"

"You do want that. You're just afraid of how Ian would feel about it, aren't you?"

"Not just Ian, but Shayne too"

"You don't have to worry about me," Ian popped up behind us.

"Oh, hey. Did you lose?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, went bankrupt. Noah took my last property so I'm out of the game," he sighed.

"Wh- HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR!?" I asked surprised.

"A lot. In fact, I'm ready to cheer you on"

"Really? But, what about the-"

"I don't give a shit about the contract. I was thinking of getting rid of that thing after noticing chemistry between some coworkers. I think it's only fair."

"So, you're totally okay with Courtney confessing to Shayne?" Olivia asked.

"Yep, and I just know he feels the same. I'm rooting for you guys. I always have been"

"Ian....thank you," I said. I stood up and stared at the door leading into the room where Shayne was.

"I think I know how you can confess. I know a pretty good spot for you to do it too," Ian stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "You can do this"

Right. I'll keep telling myself that.

Love Island - A Shourtney Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now