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We finally made it to the airport and we are now waiting for our flight. I was practically jumping out of my seat because I was excited. I've never been on a trip like this and to go on one with my friends is the best.

"Why are you so bouncy all the sudden?" Shayne asked

"I'm excited, dummy. I can't wait to get on that plane and get to this island," I said, "Aren't you at least a little excited?"

"Yeah, I'm actually super excited, but I'm keeping it all together"

"I suppose you're right, but I can't help it"

"Yeah, I know"

I saw him pull out his phone and go onto Twitter. I sat back in my seat and attempted to relax a bit.

"Okay, guys. So for this trip we'll be staying for about a week and a half. We'll also be vlogging a little bit of it," Ian said, "Only the fun stuff though"

Makes sense. I looked over at Shayne who was leaned back in his seat and staring at up the ceiling. He wasn't sleeping, but his eyes were closed.

"Poke," I said as I poked his stomach. He opened an eye and looked over at me.


"Just making sure you were alive," I said. I watched as planes took off and landed outside the window behind us. I felt like a little kid turned around in the seat and staring at things behind me.

We waited for about an hour when our flight was finally called.

"That's us. Let's go," Ian said. We all followed him through the airport and onto the plane. Shayne, Olivia and I sat together, Keith, Ian, and Damien sat together, and Noah sat in the middle of two guys I didn't know. They were much larger than he was so he looked like a stick in the middle of two trees.

Shayne had the window seat and Olivia was on the other side which meant I was in the middle of them. Once we all sat down and were ready we waited for the plane to take off.

"Hope you're comfortable there in the middle seat," Shayne said laughing slightly.

"Oh, shut up. I didn't have a choice," I said. I crossed my arms like a child which caused him to laugh more.

"I'm not going to have to listen to you two fighting on this trip am I?" Olivia asked.

"No, we're just joking around," I told her, "You won't have a problem with us. Well, maybe not"

"This is why humans invented headphones," she sighed leaning back.

After a bit of waiting, we finally started flying. Shayne took out a book and started reading while Olivia put on her headphones and started doing things on her phone. I just sat there tapping my feet on the floor. I didn't really know what to do. I looked over at Shayne. He was so into his book that he didn't notice me looking at him.

After a while I decided to just take a little nap. I couldn't seem to get comfortable in the seat, and I didn't have the walls of the plane to use. Plus, the space we have in these seats is not a lot. It's like these plane designers forgot about the bones in people's legs.

"You seem restless," Shayne said.

"It would be because I'm finding it hard to get comfortable in this stupid seat," I told him.

"If it would help you can use me as a pillow," he offered.

"Would that interrupt your reading?"

"No, that would be if you were covering my eyes"

I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder and found it strangely comfortable.

"That better?" He asked

"Yeah, thank you"

"No problem"

I ended up falling asleep for most of the flight. I woke up later and saw that Shayne had fallen asleep too. I was too comfortable to move, so I didn't.

"Was it that comfortable?" I heard Olivia ask. I sat up and looked over at her. She had a smile on her face. The same smile she had when I had done this before in a video.

"Yes, but that's because he is very muscular. Not because I like him," I said.

"Sure," she never believes me when I tell her that.

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