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I sat near the water letting it splash up against me. I didn't have much to do so this was really all I could think of. I may go to the beach a lot, but I can never get tired of the feeling of being here. Now, with my friends, it's a lot better because I have some people here to enjoy this with. And Shayne...I forgot about what I had spent time thinking about yesterday.

Obviously, I haven't gotten to telling him how I feel yet. I'm waiting for the right moment, you know? I know what you're going to say "But, Courtney, what if that moment never comes?"

It will. Trust me.

I feel like Shayne and I have had more intimate moments here than back in LA. I'm sure we're bound to have another one sooner or later.

I look back to see him and Damien on their phones laughing at probably some dumb shit. I can't seem to get my eyes off of him sometimes. I mean, before he was just Shayne, the dumb guy I was friends with and auditioned with in the beginning. Now, he's...he's Shayne, you get what I'm saying? If you've ever had feelings for someone, you'd know.

"Hey, Court," Ugh, I can hear his voice. When do I NOT think about him? "Court."


"Hey, Miller!" Wait that's really him. I look back to see Shayne heading over towards me. "What's with you? I called you a few times and you didn't answer"

He sat down beside me and I shifted uncomfortably. I hadn't really talked to him since I realized my feelings. To be honest, I never really knew what to say.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't hear you," I said nervously.

"The ocean that beautiful to you?"

"Yeah, it kind of is actually"

"I understand that. I've always enjoyed watching the waves and feeling that cool ocean breeze. That's why you saw me outside the other day"

"Kinda figured"

He looked out over the water and I looked at him. Suddenly, the guy is breathtaking. I knew he was good looking before but I never really thought about it like that.

"The ocean is in front of you, you know," He said without turning to look at me.

"Oh...sorry.." I could feel my face turning red. I quickly looked back at the ocean and then down at my feet.

I should tell him now shouldn't I? I mean, now's the perfect time! It's just the two of us here, no Olivia, no disruptions, just us.

"Hey, Shayne...I should tell you something," I said.

"Okay, go for it," he finally looked over at me which made me more nervous than before. God, I don't know if I can do this.

"Okay, here's the thing. You see...I really...think that..."

"Hey, look out!" A random ball flew past us nearly missing our heads. Two kids ran towards us, they looked like brothers. "We're really sorry about that!"

"Hey, it's no problem at all," Shayne stood up and grabbed the ball and he handed it back to the kids.

"Dude, wait a minute," The older one pulled the young kid closer to him. "Don't they look familiar?"

The younger kid took a second before his face lit up with happiness.

"Oh my god. It's really you guys! You guys are from Smosh!" He said excitedly. I stood up next to Shayne and smiled.

"Yep, that's us. Shayne and Courtney from Smosh," I said punching Shayne's arm.

"We're really big fans of you guys. It's an absolute dream to be meeting you right now," the older one said.

"How nice"

"Are you guys just here alone? Like...on a date?"

"N-no, of course not! Look, Damien is right over there!"

I panicked!

Damien was now asleep in his chair with his phone on his chest in the shade.

"Awesome! Well, we should go now. It was amazing meeting you guys"

The two kids happily walked away and we waved as they left.

"So, Court," Shayne said. Oh god, I hope he isn't going to ask about my sudden reaction to us being on a date. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh...well know what? It's not important. I'm going to head back to the hotel. I'll see you later," I started to walk my way back and left Shayne behind.

I had my chance and I blew it. I could have said something, but I didn't.

God damn it.

Love Island - A Shourtney Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now