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The next morning, I headed down to the lobby and found everyone there. I guess they had been waiting for me and I didn't even realize.

"Hey, guys. What are you all doing down here?" I asked.

"Didn't you get my message?" Ian asked. I pulled out my phone and saw the messages he sent fifteen minutes ago.

"Sorry, guess I didn't"

"That's okay. As long as you're here then it's fine. Let's head out and start our next day here in this beautiful land," Ian lead the group outside and we started walking down the road.

"Hey, it isn't like you to be late like that," Olivia said, "You okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine. I guess I didn't get as much sleep as I thought I did," I looked ahead at Shayne. Last night, I couldn't help but think about him and our talk. I don't get it.

"When did you get to sleep?"

"Who pays attention to that?"

"You probably should have"


We continued to walk down the streets. We looked like a bunch of tourists from out of the country walking around and pointing out random shit we thought was cool.

We eventually stopped at a restaurant to get lunch and we all sat at a table outside. We all fought to get the shade of the tiny ass umbrella and I kinda gave up.

"Man, I'm starving," Keith complained, "Can we get some food around here?"

"I mean we could, but what's the fun in that?" Shayne asked. He was sat right beside me which made it easier to kick him when necessary.

Ian finally arrived with all the food we ordered and we started eating. Noah had gone into one of his crazy theories and we just sat there pretending to listen. I wasn't really paying attention anyway. I can't seem to shake this weird feeling I have. Ever since that night...it's kinda hard to explain really but it has to do with Shayne.

"Hey, Court," Olivia nudged me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's up?"

"You were staring at Shayne. Is there something we need to talk about?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah. But not right now"

"Hey, is it just me or does this food taste much better than LA food?" Shayne asked randomly.

"Well sure. It could also be that we're WAY too used to eating that food," Noah said.

"Could be"


"So, our talk," Olivia walked beside me as everyone else walked ahead. "What's the deal with you checking out Shayne?"

"Wha- I wasn't checking him out. I was...just looking at him is all," I stuck my hands in my pockets and looked away from her.

"Do you love him?"

"Love? I never really thought about that. Why would I? No, that's ridiculous. I don't love him. Well, sure I love him, but I don't LOVE him. Did any of that make sense?"

"You started rambling as soon as I said "love". That's a sure sign that you do. Plus you got super awkward all the sudden"

"Please. I don't love him. It's just...well I don't really know what it is actually"

"When did you start checking him out?"

"I wasn't!"

"Not what I saw"

"I didn't start thinking differently until last night"

"Last night? Did you two-"

"No! Olivia! We just talked"

"About what?"

"Just about this vacation. Then it got to the two of us taking a vacation alone together and I think there was a subtle mention of shippers"

"You really talked about that?"

"Yeah, we usually talk about shippers. We've even done it on camera before"

"No, I mean taking vacations alone together. You guys talked about doing that?"

"Well, kinda"

"That's it. I'm convinced"

"Convinced? About what?"

"That at least one of you has feelings for the other. I'm thinking it's you"

"What? But-"

"You can't change my mind"

"Hey, guys. Look at that over there," Damien pointed to something in the distance.

"This conversation isn't over," Olivia skipped towards the rest of the group.

Feelings? I don't have feelings, do I? I can't.

Love Island - A Shourtney Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now