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I went home that day filled with excitement. I've never been on a vacation with my Smosh family before. Yeah, we've been to Disneyland and a bunch of other places, but those weren't vacations. Some places we went to for Smosh Summer Games and others were just for a day. This is actually a full vacation where we can relax and not worry about anything.

We still had the whole weekend to get ready for the trip. Ian said it would be just like a trip to the beach, but it would be like an island getaway where it has a bunch of activities to do.

Ian later told me that he got the idea from me. When I had talked about vacation and threw out the idea of going with friends it kind of turned on a switch in his head.

Later that night, I was laying in my bed thinking about the trip when I got a message from someone. It was Shayne.

Shayne- Hey, are you still awake?

I checked the clock next to me. It read 12:30. Probably shouldn't answer him, but it would be rude not to.

Courtney- Yeah, a little bit.

Shayne- A little bit?

Courtney- Okay, a lot.

Shayne- Are you awake for any reason in particular?

Courtney- I was thinking about the trip and how fun it'll be. Haven't you been thinking about it too?

Shayne- Yes, I have

Courtney- Exactly, so you know how I feel. How come you're awake right now?

Shayne- I'm working on something. I was thinking of going to bed soon, but since you're still awake I probably shouldn't

Courtney- You're not seriously going to stay awake with me, are you?

Shayne- Sure, why not?

Courtney- You should be sleeping, you know

Shayne- And so should you. We may be off on the weekends, but we still need sleep to survive

Courtney- I guess you're right

Shayne- Goodnight, Courtney

Courtney- Goodnight, Shayne.

I put my phone down and laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I really should sleep, but what if I can't? Hmm, think of the rain gently pattering against the window and the soft rumble of thunder. The calming storm.

It didn't work. And now I have to pee.


My eyes slowly opened to see light shining through the window. It was finally the day of our trip. I sat up and checked my phone to see a message from the Smosh group chat.

Ian- Good morning everyone! Today is the day of our trip and I want everyone here by 9:30!

Shayne- Yes, ma'am

Noah- I'm already on my way

Keith- Noah, it's not even 8!

Damien- He just wants to be early. You know the saying, the early Noah gets to work first.

Keith- That's not the saying

Damien- Prove it

I laughed at that conversation. It's the funniest thing when I see a conversation like that in the group chat. I checked the time to see that it was 8:25! Shit, I better get going if I want to make it to work before 9.

I got dressed and ready and threw all my luggage into my car and drove to the office. I made it there with 15 minutes to spare. I walked in to see everyone there. Shayne and Damien were laughing at something, Noah was rooting through his bag, Keith was on his phone, and Olivia was laying on the couch.

"Hey, guys," I said as I walked towards them, "Where's Ian?"

"Doing work," Damien said once he was done laughing, "He said he'd be back soon and then we could get going"

"Yeah, you ready to go?" Olivia asked sitting up.

"Totally! I've been waiting for this day all weekend!" I said with a smile. We waited for about 20 minutes when Ian finally showed up.

"Hey, everyone. Good to see you on this fine morning," he said, "The van is outside and it'll take us straight to the airport. You guys have all your stuff?"

We all headed outside and towards the van where we somehow managed to fit everything inside of it. Once we got everything situated we headed down the road towards the airport. I was sat beside Shayne and Damien was on the other side of him. Keith and Olivia were sitting behind us with a space between them where a bag was. Noah was riding shotgun while Ian was driving.

This should be an awesome trip!

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