Two Golden Rules

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Elvis had been on a call to the Brigadier and also writing his after action report since they got back from being rescued. During this call he found out that the the next day when they all get back to Bastion he is being sent to Ukraine with his old teammates Spanner, Spunky and Jackson who were meeting him there on another mission. He knew that he would have to make his feelings clear to Georgie as he may never see her again after they got back to Bastion.

He finished writing his report and then got up and walked out of the operations tent. He hadn't eaten since they got to the ANA base earlier, so he went to get some scoff. He got to the mess tent and saw that Georgie was sitting in there eating her dinner alone as the rest of the team had already eaten earlier. Elvis grabbed a plate of what was on offer and went to join her "mind if I join ya?" Elvis asked her "No, not at all boss" Georgie replied beaconing for him to sit down "Call me Elvis, you don't need to call me boss anymore the mission's over" he replied as he sat down. Georgie laughed and then said "Okay Elvis, Sit down" Elvis tucked into his meal and they chatted for a bit.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep properly tonight" Georgie said "Why's 'at?" Elvis replied looking concerned "Today has just been fucking awful" she replied with tears in her eyes. Elvis looked her in the eye and said "remember what I said earlier Georgie, none of what happened is your fault and no one blames you for what happened" "I know, it's just I can't believe it even happened and I feel like if I told someone about my feeling that something was going to go wrong then we wouldn't have gone over that IED and Oscar and the driver would still be alive and not trophies for the Taliban" she said whilst wiping away the tears that were running down her cheeks.

Elvis wanted to wrap Georgie in his arms and tell her "Everything is gonna be alright" but he knew that it would be inappropriate so he decided he would try to lighten the mood instead. Just then he got a text from his best mate Charlie which reminded him of something he found pretty funny so he told Georgie "Right, my best mate Captain James or as I call him Charlie boy, he can't live without his fancy Rosabaya coffee. So whenever he is on tour he gets his Nespresso machine sent out to him. So far he has brought it on 3 tour's, of course the rest of us Captains think he is absolutely fucking ridiculous but he doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone's opinion as he says he can't function without it" Georgie then said "He must really love his coffee then" Elvis scoffed and then said "That's a fucking understatement"

They chatted for about another 10 minutes until Georgie started to feel tired, so she said "I'm going to try and get some rest, so I will see you in the morning" Elvis then said "Ok, night then" Georgie then got up, put her plate away and was about to head for bed when Elvis shouted "Georgie, we leave at 10 tomorrow so be ready" Georgie turned around and replied "Okay" then turned back towards the exit and headed towards her quarters.


She went into her little separate corner of the tent and zipped it shut in case one of her teammates came into the tent. She then took her pyjamas out of her bergen and put them on. She took her hair down and was about to get into bed when she remembered that she hadn't brushed her teeth yet, so she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and headed towards the toilets.


He stood under the hot water just thinking about how he was going to ask Georgie out. He decided after a few minutes that he was going to be straight up honest and just ask her the next day. He finished in the shower so he turned off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist and hung another around his neck. He then walked over to the sink to brush his teeth.


"Didn't think I'd find you in 'ere" he said. Georgie stopped brushing her teeth and froze. She then quickly spun around to see who was talking to her. She relaxed when she saw it was Elvis "You gave me a heart attack" she joked "Oops sorry, didn't mean to" Elvis replied. Georgie then cleaned her toothbrush under the tap, said night to Elvis for the second time and headed towards the door.

She took off her flip flops and snuggled down into bed. Her worries from earlier didn't seem to get in the way as in no time she was sound asleep. She was truly knackered. Even the noise the rest of her team made when they came in from night patrol didn't cause her to stir.

The next morning Georgie got up and put on her brown T-shirt, combats and army boots. Then she put her hair up into a braided bun and unzipped her section of the tent and headed to get some breakfast. She walked into the mess tent and found that it was pretty quiet as it was later in the morning. She went over to the counter and grabbed a plate which she filled with scrambled eggs and a few pieces of fairly burnt toast. Then she went over to the kettle and made herself a cup of tea. After that she sat down and tucked into her breakfast. Once she was finished she went back to her tent to get her toothbrush and went to brush her teeth.

She thought it was a bit odd that she hadn't seen any of her teammates yet, but then she remembered that she had a bit of an accidental lie in so she guessed they were all in some sort of meeting as they were all SF soldiers. On her way back from brushing her teeth she saw them all come out of the operations tent and go and grab their Bergen's, so she guessed that they were leaving soon and went to grab her own. She then put away her toothbrush and other personal items that she needed to take with her and joined in with loading the truck's.

Elvis exited the operations tent and saw that Georgie was helping load the trucks, so he decided that it was time to ask her the question. He walked over and asked her "So you're off to Bastion?" Georgie turned around to face him and leant against the back of the truck "mhm" she replied "We've been summoned to Ukraine.....So I just wondered. Maybe before we part. If you wanted to see me when we get back to the UK?" He hopefully asked her. Georgie was confused but she slightly shook her head and said "No" "No?.... no one says no to me" he said back "Two Golden rules in life" Georgie said "Right?" Elvis replied "One" she pointed at him "never go out with a soldier" Elvis scoffed. Georgie continued and said "Two, never go out with a guy who's already taken so....sorry" "Fair enough" Elvis replied. He then got his phone out from his pocket and started typing and saying out loud whilst doing so "Deb. I've found the woman of my dreams on this tour, think I've fallen in love with her. Therefore, you and I are no longer an item" "bit harsh" Georgie replied. Elvis looked up and said in a sarcastic voice "I've only been out with 'er twice" Georgie then raised her eyebrows as if to say fair enough. Elvis then went back to typing and finished with "Best, Elvis" He then turned his phone around to show Georgie the text and said "press send" Georgie laughed at his cheek and then said "Do your own dirty work" Elvis didn't hesitate to press send as the truth was he had barely thought about Debbie since he had first seen Georgie walk across the tarmac at Brize Norton . He then turned his phone back around to show Georgie the text was sending and when it did he said "well, so she would have got it by now" Georgie wanted to mess with him so she said "Yeah well, rule one still applies, you're a soldier. Sorry" she then shrugged her shoulders. Elvis put his hand on the truck she was leaning on and said "Oh come on, you can't count special forces and that. Rule one applies to squaddies only, surely" Georgie laughed as she found it funny how serious he was about this, but she also felt nervous so she started fiddling with her hair and looking to the side "now come on bullshit aside. I mean it.... see me when we get back to the UK" he said as he looked into her eyes to show her he was serious. Georgie then looked up and said "Thing is, I'm exactly the wrong type for you Elvis. I have no intention of settling down. Ever" she shook her head and then patted him on the chest and walked over to the med tent to do some final checks.

Elvis turned around to watch her walk off and smiled to himself as this just made him even more determined to win her heart. He then vowed to himself that he was going to win Georgie over. No matter how long it took.

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