Chappiee Two

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Author's Note: Sooo Here is the second chapter and i hope you all like it and also im just starting my thanks giving break sooo im hoping to write a lot. anyways injoy. and also VOTE, COMMENT&&&&FAN ! Kay thank You All!



Harry's Dream POV:

I Walked Around Feeling Alone. Why Couldnt i find someone besides dark faces that looked like they wanted to hurt me. my heart pounded inside my head. i couldnt take their freakish faces looking into my soul much longer but it doesnt seem to hurt as much as it used to. i feel stronger. i walk closer to my school and look to my left. i see seth there with a group. i walk closer and some of them catch site of me. "harry !" they exclaimen. i look at them but all i see is longing. i shake my head and the sense changes.

im about to turn a corner when i sudenly hear, "yeah i know right, the freak actually thinks we like him. i mean if it wasnt for his money and popularity we wouldnt even be friends" i walk closer to the chatter but hide where they cant hear me.

i looked towards the voices and see that it is my so called friends. as i watched them a letter that i wrote to liam comes back to mind. its been a while since i thought of him and the letters but as i heard my friends i remembered i had told him i was tired of all the bullshit and how all i ever wanted was someone that wouldnt just use me for what i just cought my friends saying.

right than and there i made the choice that i wouldnt allow it to go on anymore.

i stepped out and cleared my throat. "uhummm !" they all turn towards me and turned bright red, "harry its n--" seth tried but i cute him of.

"i dont care. honestly i already knew all of this and i just didnt care but you know what... im done acting like i dont know that you guys are always talking shit about me and using me. i am finished pretending like verything is okay when in reality all i every feel is like shit and none of you seem to notcie but if you do you act like its not there. im tired of ignoring the facts so from now on dont even bother calling me a friend, or a buddy or anything. dont expect anything from me. you all know i have tried being there for all of you but when it comes to me you all cant even spare me a second to ask the one question ive been dying to hear from at least one of you to give me hope that you arent the kind of people i despise the most. this will no longer go on. im one hundred percent done with all you fake ass bitches."

i pause and continue"one last thing. just know that you will all regret the day you all did this to me. you will loath me more than you  do now. i promise you this and that is that you wont be able to live with yourself because all of you noticed my troubles and did nothing when all you had to do was lend a shoulder to me." i stated to all of them and turned around leaving them all in silence with shameful faces. 

Nobody Pov:

with all that said everything fades out and a bright blast of light hits harrys face making his eyes flutter open. harry lays there for a while thinking back to his dream that was once real and now a memory. he smiles knowing what he did was for the unknow boy that he use to live to write to.

he sits up and looks over to liams bed finding it empty as it always is by the time he gets up. harry gets of his bed and walks to his part of the walk in closet. he gets dressed and heads to the kitchen.

as harry approaches the kitchen he catches a glimps of liam shirtless and stops in his tracts. he doesnt really understand why he gets a weird feeling all over when he is around liam but he also knows he dosnt like liam like that or thats what he tells himself.

harry snaps out of his thoughts and walks into the kitchen taking a seat. "morning li" harry says in his morning voice. liam looks up and smiles. "morning haz, how was your slumber ?" he questions him. "pretty nice" harry replies remembering his dream. laim nodes and prepairs his essentails to start breakfast. 

ten minutes later breakfast was done and harry and liam were the only ones up. liam set a plate full of food infront of harry and sat down with his own and they ate in a comfortable silence once in a while starting small chats.

Liam's POV:

Breakfast once quite but it wasnt bad because harry was there. im still not sure what to feel about him but im going to try to get to know him better.

around two in the afternoon i found myself on the coach with the tv on and toy story two playing. the movie had all my attention until i felt the coach deepen and a person next to me. i looked over and was met with dazzling green eyes. "lili" harry said. "yes harry ?" i asked. "uh do you uh um mind cuddling with me? i mean you dont have to but lou isnt up and i wanna cuddle" i rambled on but he stopped as i scooped him up and cuddled him. his body seemed to fit just right into mine like he was a missing piece to my body that i didnt know i was missing. i know how cliche but it was how it felt. 

harry laid his head on my shoulder and i found my hand grazing his curls. i looked down and saw him smiling. smiling? wait why is he smiling? does he like me ? nahh, maybe he just likes his hair being played with. i change my focus from harry back to the best movie ever and watch it with an intense look on my face.

Harry's POV:

Why does this feel right ? why do i feel like i belong to him? ive never felt like this about anyone. im so confused.

i felt liam's hand graze through my hair and i smiled not only because it feels good but because he is doing it. wait what did i just think that? i shouldnt be thinking like that. i look up to see the cutest face that i have seen today. liam has the cutest intense look on his face.

as i cuddled with liam i couldnt but help but injoy it. i loved ever single second of it.

maybe i have a small crush on him. i looked uo to see that liam had fallen asleep with me cuddling him. i couldnt help but smile but i started to get up.

"no harry just stay please" i heard him murmur and cuddle more into me while increasing his tightness around me and chuckled at his childness.

"sure thing li" i murmured back to him and he fell back to sleep. i smiled put my head back on his chest and soon i was fast asleep.

Could It Be You ? Sequel to: Letters To My LoveWhere stories live. Discover now